Part 19

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Daniels P.O.V:

    I ran after zach. I was so pissed off. He was cheating on A. I found him and I quickly turned him around and slapped him across the face. What? He deserved it!

    "What the hell was that for Daniel?!" Zach asked holding onto his cheek that now has a hand mark on it. "FOR THIS!" I screamed in his face not giving a sh*t about who was watching. I then showed him his phone with the texts.

    "What about it?" He asked and I Grew with more anger. "WHAT DO YOU MEAN 'WHAT ABOUT IT'?! YOUR CHEATING ON A!" I screamed. "No im not?!" he said. "Yes you are you are flirting with another girl!" I said getting even more mad. 

"Ok yeah but I haven't kissed her or anything so im not cheating!" Zach said with no emotion at all. 

    "Dont even come back" I said to him grabbing the ice-cream outta his hands and walking back to the room and throwing his phone on the ground.

 Corbyns P.O.V:

   I was waiting outside A door when I saw a pissed off Daniel come back with ice-cream in his hand but no Zach.

    "Whats wrong bro? Wheres zach?" I asked. "He is cheating and doesn't even know it" Daniel said. And I was so confused bc I know zach would not cheat on A expechaly with her condition. 

    "Who? Who is cheating?" I asked. "Zach" Daniel said. "WHAT?!" I screamed in disbelieve. "Yes" He said. "How?" I asked. "He's texting this girl and is flirting with her" He told me.

    "Omg...Are your going to tell A? And where is he?" I asked. "He's probs with his gf...and no dont tell her. We will tell the guys later but not now. Come on we have to give her her ice cream." 

    We walked back inside and gave A her ice cream. "where is zach?" A asked. "Oh he had to go he had to do something important idk what tho" Daniel said handing A her ice cream. The guys look at us confused but I just whisper to them "Ill tell you later".

    We spent the rest of the day with A and it was getting late. We told her that we will be back tmr and then we gave her a hug and left. In the car Daniel explained everything to us about zach and that Alexis girl. I was so pissed off. 

    We got home and what a surprise. Zach is not home. I decided to text him. 

Corbyn +Zach

Corbyn: Where are you?! Dani told us. You better stop and tell A!

Zach: Im with a friend and what should I tell her? There is nothing to tell her! Im not cheating! Just looking for someone incase she doesn't make it.


Zach: No she's not. She cant even be let out of the hospital. 

Corbyn: Dont even come back tonight!

Zach: Wasn't planning on it.


Sorry this was short but I am trying to update more. I really wanna finish this book so I can start another. I will soon be working on a Daniel Seavey book! 

Logan Paul's sister// Zach Herron// CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now