Part 24

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Zachs P.O.V:

  I walked to the room where Alexia was because I went to the other room to talk to the guys. "Hey I need to go" I told her. "Nooo stay with meee" She said getting up and grabbing my hand pulling me to the couch.

  "I have to go my friends have been worrying about me" I lied. "Ok will you be back?" She asked.

  "As soon as possible" I told her and I called an uber and go in and went to the hospital. "Whats on your mind sir?" The uber driver asked me. "Oh um...Im about to break up with my girl friend" I told him.

  "Oh thats bad...Why are you going to?" He asked me. "I found someone else" I told him. "Ooo Well good luck my man" He told me as I got outta the car. I then slowly walked into the hospital.

  When I reached Amandas room I can hear her crying. I felt bad but it is better to end things now then me get broken later. As I open the door the crying stops and she turns her head.

  "Zach?" She said with tears in her eyes. "Its me" I said. "I missed you sooo much" She said. "Yeah..." I said. "Where have you been?" She asked me. I was so confused because I thought that the guys told her.

  "I thought the guys told you?" I asked. "Yeah but...I dont believe them...I need to hear it from you" She said with sadness in her voice.

  "A..." I said. "Please just tell me...Tell me the truth" she told me. "I was with Alexia" I said. "Who's Alexia?" She asked me. "This girl I have been talking to" I said. "So it is true" She said.

 "You are cheating on me" She said tearing up again.

Alexias P.O.V:

  When zach was out of the room I was wondering who he was talking to. So I came up with a plan to take his phone and read his texts so that way I can see who he was talking to. 

   When he said that he had to go I got off the couch and I grabbed his hand but what he didn't know was that I also took his phone from his back pocket and put it into my back pocket.

   Once he left I was looking through his phone and I saw his most recent texts from a group chat called WDW. It had a bunch of his friends on their. I Was reading there most recent texts. 

  As of what I read and understood was that Zach has a girlfriend. This whole time that I was with him He had a girlfriend. But as I read more he was on his way to break up with her. 

  I read deeper into there conversations and Zach said that he is breaking up with her because she is dying. He said that he just wants to move on. I mean I cant blame him he just wants to get it over with. 


A/N: Few more chapters left!

Logan Paul's sister// Zach Herron// CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now