Part 15

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Zachs P.O.V:

    After about 30 min of us waiting in the waiting room the doctor came out. He said that he would like to see her family. We all got up because we were all like her family weather she liked it or not. we all then approached the doctor and we all were worried.

    "She's ok right? please tell me she's ok? Its Amanda she always is ok right?" I said with tears in my eyes. "Ok this is going to take some understanding. You all might want to sit down" the doctor said to us and that can't be good news. He then took us to a room where we can all sit down. 

     "Ok is she ok?" I asked eagerly. "Ok so Amanda went into shock and she started to have something like a segure. We just thought that it was the coma but it wasn't. She work up from the coma after her going into shock. We then took a blood sample and an X-ray because something was not right." the doctor said.

    "But she's ok right? she's ok now right?!" I asked as I made direct eye contact with the doctor. "Im sorry to tell you but...Amanda has cancer."  the doctor said. "But she will be ok right? I mean she will fight it right?" Logan said getting out of his seat. "We don't know. We will have to do further tests it will take about a week until we know if she will even be able to try and fight it or what % she has of living" The doctor said. "Wait she might die?! I CANT LOOSE HER! SHES MY EVERYTHING!" I said about to pass out but the boys just sat me back down in my seat and tried to keep me relaxed.

~One week later~ 

     It has now been 2 months, one week, 2 days, and 13 hours since Amanda was first in the hospital. I don't even know how I did it. Today is the day that we find out everything about Amandas cancer. Today is also the day that I get to see her in a week because the doctors would not allow me to see her bc she was being tested. 

    I walk in and I see her. She looks so pale. She's sleeping but she looks worse than before. When I shut the door her eyes open. "Hey A" I said quietly. "Z-z-zach?!" she said in a tired voice. "Yeah its me baby!" I said. "Where were you?" she asked. "A they wouldn't allow me to see u while u were being tested but today we find out all about your cancer" I said as I sat on the ledge of the hospital bed that Amanda was in. 

    " Where is Log and Jake?" She asked. "There on there way along with the rest of the boys. But the boys won't be able to come in until the doc is done explaining everything but Logan and Jake will be here along with me!" I said holding her hand. She tried to hold onto mine but she was to weak. Just then Logan and Jake come into the room. They all say hi to A and tell her that its gonna be ok. About 10 min later the doc walked in.

    "Ok hello everyone...glad to see ur awake Amanda!" the doc said. "Ok so Amanda you have Brest cancer. But not just anytime of cancer. You have a stage 4 cancer. That means that you have a tumor and it has spread to other parts of your body." The doc said. I then tighten my grip on Amandas hand. "Will I be ok?" Amanda asked. "We don't know...We will have to try and remove the tumor but it already spread to a lot of you body. We are sorry to tell you but there is a very slim chance that you will make it" the doc said. "What do you mean by slim" Jake asked. "Yeah like how slim are the chances?" Logan asked. "There is a 4% chance that she will live" He said.

    The doc then continued to explain everything to all of us and then Logan and Jake left to go and tell the guys what happened and I stayed back with Amanda and talked to her. I know my baby and she will be able to fight this. She is strong and powerful. The doc said that she will have to take meds and stuff and she will be going into surgery tom to try and get most of the tumor out. 


    OMG thank you for 1K reads! I am running outta ideas for this bUt I have been trying to post more but school is just stop septic and I can't stand 3 of my friends rn and I wanna new class but what ever uk. 

Logan Paul's sister// Zach Herron// CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now