Chapter 2: Shes a keeper

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Daniel's POV

   The boys sent Jack and I to Walmart to do some grocery shopping. I was very triggered considering I had been doing all the grocery shopping for the past 5 weeks. When we got there, Jack had nudged me and dragged my attention to a very beautiful girl. She had black hair in a pony tail and she was dressed in casual work out clothes. As I saw her heading towards the watermelons I knew I HAD to get close to her, or somehow talk to her. I decided to pull the oldest trick in the book. "Excuse me." After those words were said, I -(a/n okay cmon now, y'all know what happened. Speed it up Daniel these readers don't have all day.)
   After waking around for a while, holding the girls hand and pretending to be a couple for my 'ex-girlfriend problems' I had come to the conclusion that I had to get to know her more. I helped her take her groceries to the car and got her number, soon I learned that her name was Bella. I guess I just got so excited that she gave me her number that I walked away without even introducing myself. Oh well? I'm sure she will find it sooner or later.


   Bella's POV
*two days after the Walmart thing* (Why Walmart?!?)

   I had decided to start decorating my own apartment now that I had been living here in LA  for well over a week now. I was hanging some lights around my ceiling when I heard my phone ringing. Are you fricken kidding me? I pinned in the last light and jumped off my ladder to land straight onto my bed. I'm pretty light so why not. As I approach my phone I see that I was getting a FaceTime call from an unknown number. Okay I have no idea who this is but I'm curious. I put my thumb over the camera and answered the call. I see the boy from Walmart pop up onto my screen. "Umm hello?" The boy asked. I smiled. I uncovered the camera and screamed, making him jump back. "BOO!"
          "AGH!" Daniel screamed, I also heard another voice there. Daniel looked as if he was glaring at someone. "Hello Walmart boy." I greet. "Oh. I'm sorry I never got to introduce myself. My name is Daniel Seavey." Huh sounds awfully familiar. "Well hello there Daniel. What can I help you with?" I asked. "Well you see, my ex-girlfriend is here at roses cafe and I was wondering if you could possibly come on over and ummm join me so she won't bother me? Please?" Daniel had asked a little too desperately. I knew there was no ex-girlfriend but I liked the determination that Daniel had. I decided to go. It's not like I have anything else to do right now. Training doesn't start for another 3 weeks. "Okay I'll be there. It's right across the street from me anyways." I tell him. "Thank you Thank you Thank you!" Daniel replies and hangs up. When he does I smile. What could possibly happen if I join him? Not like he would do anything bad to me. I can already tell he's not that type. Maybe he could be a good friend to have around here.

  I arrived at the cafe to see almost no one here. I smile to myself once more. Lately I find myself doing that a lot. The only people I see here are 5 guys and 1 girl. One of those guys happens to be Daniel, sitting at a table alone and the other four sitting at separate tables. The other girl aside from me sat at a table with a boy who had really curly hair. They must be a couple I suppose? I go over to sit in front of Daniel. He looks up from his phone and his face quickly lights up. "Hey! I'm so happy you could make it Bella." Daniel remarks. "It was no problem. I'm going to order some tea." I say. "So you like tea huh?" Daniel asks. I nod, "tea makes me sane." Daniel laughs. Daniel and I had a very nice conversation until a boy with rosy cheeks and looked about 16 walked right on over to us. "Why hello there. Do you mind if I joined you?" The boy had asked with a smirk. "No not at all" "yes we mind" Daniel and I both said at the same time. Daniel looked at me and then glared at the boy. I awkwardly smiled as my order was called. "Excuse me boys,that's my drink." I Excuse myself and as I walk away i see Daniel and the boy whispering to eachother. Oh they totally know eachother. Man this Daniel boy needs to be more subtle if he's going to play this trick.
  I decide to keep playing along.
"So, this ex-girlfriend of yours," I remark, referring to Daniel and ignoring the rosy cheeked boy's presence, "how crazy is she?"
"What ex-girlfriend?" Daniel asked then immediately regretted it. I smiled at him. "Oh dearest Daniel if you wanted to hang with me you didn't have to go through that whole lie to get me to do so." The rosy cheeks burst into a fit of laughter.
"I take it that you know this boy and the other three boys and girl who are staring at us over there acting like I can clearly see them spying on us?" I asked Daniel. Daniel nods in shame and out his head on the table and groaned. "I can't take it anymore. Hi Bella I'm Julia. You are freaking amazing. We are going to get along just fine." The girl who was sitting with the curly haired boy stood up and walked over to our table. I smile, already liking her. "Nice to meet you Julia. Now could I meet everyone else who has been eavesdropping on me for the past like 45 minutes?"
  "Wait, So your saying you have never heard of us?" Zach asks. I shake my head no. For some reason everyone gets more excited and everyone crowds around Daniel and I. (Btw Daniel's head is still on the table In embarrassment)  "we are a boy band called 'why don't we'" Zach continues on. Daniel groans,"you weren't supposed to tell her about our fame. Now she's going to think differently about us." Daniels voice was muffled by the table on his face. "Oh I think nothing more or nothin less of you guys. I think that is just something new that I didn't know about you guys before but now I know." I state. Daniel's head pops up. "You mean, you don't care weather or not we are famous?" He asks. "Famous or not, you are still people. Just as equal as anyone."
The curly head boy then speaks up. "Dang you got yourself a keeper Danny." Everyone laughs.
  I guess wierd things are normal here in LA.

   Holaaa. Hey guess who plays Julia? Juliamarie273 you will never guess! Anywho. Sorry for my crappy chapter. Okay what do you expect I'm tired and half asleep but I'm nice.. sorta. Anywho love you. Also I'm in the mood for you crazy readers to come out and comment now. Y'all are the cool ones.

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