Chapter 20: Heartbroken Boy.

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Bella's POV

  As we were getting ready to go out for dinner, the girls got ready in one room and the boys got ready in their own rooms.
  "I'm so nervous Bell." Camren whispered to me, putting a cardigan on to top off her outfit.
  "Trust me Cams, they will be excited Okay." I reassure her. After getting ready, I throw my hair in a half up half down style to finish off.
   "Are you girl's ready?" I ask, motioning towards Julia and Lexie. Both nod. Lexie looked as if something was bothering her.
   When we arrived at the restaurant, they sat us down at a large table. I examined everyone before looking at the menu, Camren and Jonah were discussing things, Julia and jack being flirty as always, Corbyn and Daniel talking beside me, and lastly, Zach and Lexie... Zach did not look to happy. It was as if he was pissed off at Lexie and he seemed as though he did not want to sit next to her. Lexie still had a look of guilt.

   I let it go, it's probably a small fight that they will get over. All couples go through that. I pick up my menu as our waiter begins to take our order.

  After giving our orders and talking a little bit, Camren finally grabs everyone's attention. Here we go....

  "Guys as you may have figured out, I have something to announce," she started talking..."I have some big news for you guys. Of course Julia and Camren already know about this. But now it's time for you guys to find out."

  Everyone had their ears perked up and a hint of excitement.
"In about two weeks, I will be going on tour.." Camren continued, but after those words, Jonah looked saddened, furious, emotional. He made an effort to get up and leave but Camren grabbed his arm and pushed him back into his seat. I nodded my head for her to go on.
  "I️ am not going on this tour alone this time. My tour is world-wide and it features 8 amazing people. 5 of them are in a boy band." Camren finished.
  Corbyn jumped up.

"ARE YOU SERIOUS?!" He asked with excitement. Camren nodded.
  "Is that okay with you Jonah?" Camren asks.
Jonah had no emotion as of now. After 5 seconds, he stood up and hugged Camren so hard. It was adorable. Daniel was fangirling beside me.
  "Um, who are the other 3 people featured on tour." Lexie asked, rather quietly.

  I smirked and so did Julia.

"Well, that would be Bella, Julia, and You." Camren said with a wide grin.

  Zach stood up angrily, and exited the restaurant. Camren was taken back.
"Lexie what's wrong with him." Camren said. It came more as a demand than a question. Zach was basically her baby brother.
  Lexie took a deep breath and spoke.

"Guys, Zach and i broke u-"

"YOU WHAT?!?" Camren yelled. Everyone in the restaurant turned to look at her. Jonah pulled her hand and made Camren sit down.

"I swear none of us cheated or anything. We broke up because, I'm going away for a long time." Lexie defended.

  "Where are you going?!" I asked. Daniel held my hand tightly. He sensed me tensing up. Of course I'm going to pissed. This was supposed to be a happy night, then Lexie decides to tell us that she is leaving!

"I'm leaving for college early! I'm going to Washington. Northern university. I knew Zach and I wouldn't be able to handle long distance, so he broke up with me." Lexie said.

  "And when exactly were you planning to tell us?" Julia stated.

  "Um-I." Lexie stated. Oh hell no.

"You mean to tell us that you were going to just leave? Leaving Zach heartbroken and leaving us clueless?!?" Camren yelled.

  Once again, everyone turned to look at her.

A waiter came up to us and spoke.

"Ma'am we need you to leave. That's twice already that you have disturbed everyone's evening."

Camren not only looked disappointed but now she was furious. She looked at Lexie once more and glared.

"You do not come into someone's life, love them, break their hearts, and leave them and everyone else heartbroken and clueless. After everything we have been through-I can't believe you weren't even going to tell us." Camren said.

  "Ma'am.." the waiter spoke once more.

Camren put her hand up to him.

Looked one more time at Lexie-

"Don't show your face to me ever again." She said.

She slammed her money on the table because she promised to pay, then she angrily walked out. Jonah stood up and gave Lexie a disapproving look, then he left with jack and Julia following behind him.
  "I can't believe you. Zach doesn't deserve you." Julia said. Then she left.

  This left Daniel, Corbyn, and I️  at the table.

"Guys, I'm so sorry. I know what I did was selfish. I should have planned on telling yo-" Lexie started..

"But you didn't. You didn't plan to. You planned on breaking his heart, and hurting my bestfriends, you did it even if it wasn't intentional.. you still did it. Do you know how much effort and confidence that Camren had to build up so she could announce this to us? This was supposed to be a happy night! But no, you come in and ruined it all. Look I don't care if you are going to college. It's the fact that you weren't even planning on telling us that you were leaving. You were just going to leave. We could have been clueless as to why Zach would be heartbroken. We would be worried because you all of a sudden wouldn't be around. But clearly you don't care." I pretty much spoke everything on my mind.

   "Let's go bella, Lexie doesn't deserve our presence. She was planning on going without it anyways. Why not have her start now." Daniel said, grabbing my head. I nod. Corbyn stood up and us threw all walked outside. We left Lexie there, she didn't have a single hint of regret. Not a single hint of guilt. We should've known from the start.

  Once we reached outside, we saw Julia, jack and Jonah.
  They looked worried.
"Where is Camren. Where is Zach." Corbyn demanded.

  "That's the thing, we don't know. Camren must've went after Zach after she was kicked out." Jonah exclaimed.

  "Camren can handle herself. I know she's caught up with Zach by now. I'm positive they will be back by morning. We shouldn't worry. Let's go home. A lot has happened today..." I exclaimed.
  We get into the car and head home. I track Camren's phone to see where she was but she turned her tracker off.
   I trust her. I shouldn't be worried.

Whatever that Lexie has caused cannot phase us. Lexie is not worth our stress. If she wants to leave, she will leave. We don't need her...

So that happened. Thoughts?

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