Chapter 29: Leave.

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Daniel's POV

   Well, after what happened when we got home last night, Bella explained to me that she had only 2 months to think about it because they left in February, which is also around Camren's 21st birthday. Maybe i could possibly convince her to stay using Camren as a reason? Yeah. There now I have yet ANOTHER reason for my baby not to go! It's perfect!
Third person POV:

Bella had just got done announcing her offer to everyone in the living room as Daniel was up in his room thinking of other ways to subtly convince his beloved girlfriend to stay.

"Oh honey we all love and cherish your presence but I think you should go. Besides, ITS ISSA FREAKING TWAIMZ!" Camren expresses. Julia nods her head in agreement along with the other boys.

"I know but I feel like i couldn't last long without you guys. Ever since I first came to California over a year ago, you guys were my only family here to guide me. I don't know how I will do on my own and now I worry about Daniel too. I don't know if I can be so far from him for that long." Bella admits.

In understandment, Corbyn speaks up.

"Bella no one is forcing you to do anything. This is solely your choice and whatever you choose, we will support you on it." As Corbyn preaches, Daniel walks with his head up in the cloud of his own thoughts.

""Hey Danny boy." Jonah greets.

"Hey y'all, did Bella tell you her news?" He asks. Everyone nods.

"Have you made up your decision?" Daniel asks, motioning to Bella.

Bella sighs, "it's an amazing opportunity. I'm going to have to think about it more."

'This is perfect,' Daniel thinks to himself, 'she doesn't know which means there's still more time to persuade her to stay.'

"Don't sweat it babe. Let's enjoy Christmas and new year first." Daniel says aloud and slings his arm around her.

"I guess you're right." Bella says.

Later on, Bella and Daniel are up in his room and sitting on his bed. Bella sitting criss cross and Daniel laying on her lap.

"So, what are we doing for Camren's birthday?" Daniel asks, looking up at his flawless girl. Bella quickly changes her bored expression into instant realization,

"How could I forget!? I leave 1 week before her birthday! Oh no.. and I would feel terrible for missing. She is turning 21!" Bella freaks out.

"Oh. That's terrible bells. And what about practice at your gym? Your coaches probably miss their star.." Daniel says, hoping to come up with more reason and to make an effort to make this as subtle as possible.

"Oh, I never thought of that either. But they could go a couple more months without me right? I mean they would never hold me back from that." Bella reasons.

"I mean I guess you're right but what abou-"

But Daniel was cut off by Bella's instincts.

"Excuse me? Are you trying to get me to stay? I'm sorry but I believe this is MY choice Daniel." Bella said. She never liked when people wanted to choose for her. She never liked when people tried to guilt her as well. Two things that Daniel was certainly doing.

Daniel, being caught off guard, was speechless.

"Bella you know I don't want you to leave. I was just subtly convincing you" Daniel admitted.

"Yeah well it wasn't subtle enough.  First you guilt trip me into not going to Camren's birthday and then you tell me that I will miss practice and you were just in the verge to give me another reason. Daniel it is two months! What is two months?" Bella rants.

  "Well maybe you will find someone else on tour! Maybe I'm worried that someone will catch your eye and i won't be there to stop it! Maybe you will get hurt and I won't be there. So yeah I admit, I do not want you to go because I am worried about what could happen to you while we are sepeartated." Daniel argues back.

    "So you think I'm incapable of myself? I am my own human Daniel! So what if I accidentally get hurt! I'm strong and I know it. But you Daniel, you want me to stay for you! You can't bare the though of me being gone for two-three months.  You want me to stay and miss this opportunity to be with my role model and meet others because of you! Because you are being selfish!" Bella yelled the last part louder. This got to Daniel. Bella could see a pang of hurt in his eyes, she felt a sting of regret that quickly went away when Daniel came out with more hurtful words.

   "I wanted you to stay because you would be experiencing all of that without your family! You want to do this on your own! You didn't even ask to bring us! You are the selfish one here! You know what? Fine! Go ahead, go on that damn tour. Meet new people. Get new eye candy! I couldn't care less for someone who couldn't care for what there own family feels." Daniel let it all out. His hurt, his sadness, but little did he know that it was nothing compared to what he had done to Bella. Her eyes watery, but she wiped them away m, knowing she was stronger than this than to let his words phase her.

  "Is that it? You think I'll find a new man on tour and completely forget about you? You think I'm shallow? You think I'm unloyal to this relationship!?  Daniel since when have I been known to break someone! How could I ask them to bring you huh? You weren't invited! You don't know how much I wish y'all were but you weren't! But because you are being overtaken by your own insecurities that I will leave and forget you, you let that affect the amount of respect I have for you. You are the one who was so caught up in what would happen to YOU that you didn't even stop to think about ME! I can't do everything for you Daniel. I need to come first sometime." Bella preached. Daniel knew that what he did was wrong. But his mindset was to win this fight. He didn't stop to think how much his next set of words would hurt the girl.

    "You are ALL I think about. Get the hell out of here! Go on that damn tour! I couldn't care less on what happens to you there. I'm DONE caring for you, for this relationship!" Daniel yelled. Bella was frightened by his tone. She knew he didn't mean it. But she knew he wouldn't say it if he didn't mean some part of it.
She backed up.
Then her eyes darkened. Her tone of voice came out strict and stern.

  "You want me to leave? I'll leave." She said.
Bella opened the door and slammed it before anything else could be said. Daniel was left to his own thoughts and regret.
He screamed in anger and punched the wall.

'Why did I let it get that far! Why did I hurt her when all I wanted was for her to stay..' Daniel thought. He put his back to the wall and slid down. He started to cry into his chest.

As Bella was grabbing her things, she was stopped by Corbyn.

"Bella what happened? I heard screaming." Corbyn said behind the girl who was just about to turn the knob and leave. She slowly turned around to see her tear stained face. Corbyn ran up to her and hugged her.

"What happened bell?"

   "Daniel. H-he t-told me t-o leave and g-o on tour. He co-couldn't care-l-less.. we-hhad o-our first -f-fight." Bell explained in between sobs.

"Shh, it's okay. Everything will get better. Just go home and get some rest." Corbyn said, kissing the top of her forehead in a brotherly and comforting manner. Bella nodded and drove home.

  'Why did I over react? Did I really overreact? Did he deserve it? How did I let it get this far..'

   All that was in Bella and Daniel's minds were Bella's last words to him..

"You want me to leave? I'll leave."


This is DEFINITELY the saddest chapter I've ever written.

If you haven't noticed yet, I CHANGED THE BOOK CIVER! I only did it so it would fit in with the rest of my books KAY? Great. LOVE YOU! (Still sobbing) I feel like y'all are about to destroy the comments...

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