Chapter 21: Broken hearted

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Camren's POV(prepare to be phased)
    "ZACH?!??" I yell. After being kicked out, I ran to look for him. He is like a little brother to me and he has been hurt by the biggest snake I've ever met. Well next to jake.

   "ZACH PLEASE!?!? WHERE ARE YOU!" I yell out. Somehow I ended up in the woods. I tracked Zach's phone.

  I don't even know where I am. How the heck will Zach know where HE is?

  Suddenly, I heard whimpers and muffled sobs coming from the distance. I found my target.

  I walk through a couple bushes and trees, getting a few leaves in my hair and tears in my dress.

"Zach?" I ask.
There he was, sitting on a rock. It was like a five year old loosing his favorite toy. That's how I saw Zach. Like a little baby brother.
   "Zach, come on. Don't cry for that hoe." I say, sitting next to him and putting my hand around him.

"I'm not cryin about her. I- I just lost my way.." Zach said in between sniffs.
Boy cut the crap that's a lie.

"Zach you and I both know that you were madly in love but she left. She left with no shame. But I know that you will find someone better!" I exclaim.

  "She had no flaws. I don't think anyone could be as perfect." He said.
  "Oh Zach. You're young. I know you will find someone better."
  "Name one damn flaw." He yelled getting up in anger. We all know that I am not someone to be yelled at. I don't care how hurt this boy is. I'm going to hold him accountable and he will learn that Lexie was never the one for him. He doesn't deserve a traitor or heart breaker.
  "You want to know one flaw? She broke you. No one breaks you but Why else do you think your here in the middle of no where crying? She broke your trust, her friendship, her reputation. You know why? Because she is selfish. Selfish Zach. You want to spend the rest of your life with someone so selfish?! No you don't. You want to spend the rest of your life with someone who loves and respects you just as much as your family does, just as much as we do." I yell back. Zach flinched at my voice. I calmed down.
   "But it hurts now." He said.
I embraced him in a hug.
  "Zachary, it's going to hurt. Your heart may be broken but that special girl will glue it back together and write her name on it." I say.

  Zach and I were roughly the same height. He dug his head in the crook of my neck.
  "Thank you cam."

"Anything for my lil me." I nudge his head and we head home.


By the time Zach and I got home, it was 5 in the morning. Yeah we walked. We aren't smart.
As we approach the house, I drag Zach up to his window. We climbed the poles and walked the roof into his room. Yeah we didn't have a key either.
   As I tuck Zach in bed like a mom, (gosh he is such a baby) I say goodnight even tho the sun will rise very soon.

   I leave his room and walk into Julia's room to find Bella awake, seems as though she was sleepless.

  "Camren!" She yelled, running up to me and tackling me to the ground. "Ew your full of leaves and dirt." She said.

  "No way." I say. Julia woke up do to Bella's remark.

  "Cam!" She said getting up and hugging me.

"Yeah, I'm here now please whisper, Zach just went to sleep."

"How did he take it?" Bella asked.

  "Not well, but I know he's strong and will find the perfect girl." I remark.

  The girls and I nod.

"So um, we got a call from your manager." Bella said.

"What? What did he say?"

"Tour is being moved to an earlier day." Julia announced.


"Uhhh....okay can you sit down before we tel you so you don't attack." Bella asked. I hesitantly sit down.
  "Tomorrow." Bella states.

I explode in the inside with anxiety and keep a calm face on the outside. I dramatically lay my head on the floor.

  "Oy vey.." I say. "Do the boys know?"

The school there heads no.

"I guess we are going on a surprise trip." I say.

Tour. Tour starts in less than 24 hours.

  I hope the world is ready.

I'm sorry I haven't updated in a while.
Tour starts next chapter! Many many emotions will happen.

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