Chapter 23: Questions

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Bella's POV

   "Let's go get ice cream" Camren yelled out of no where.
The boys seemed very lazy though. Really?

"I'll pay." I say. Instantly the boys got up and made their way towards the car.

"Wait we should bring Julia." Jack mentioned.

"NO! I mean uh-shes really tired and wants to chill. She told Bella and I to make sure no one bothers her." Camren said.

  "But I'm her boyfriend." Jack stated, suspiciously.

"Well we're her bestfriends. Wanna fight me on this?" I step in.

Jack rolls his eyes and went along. I still feel like he has an idea of where she was. I hope he doesn't know too much.

  As everyone piled into the car, with corbyn, Zach  and jack in the back, Jonah and Daniel in the middle and Camren and I up in the front with cam driving.

  "Wait why do you get to drive." Zach asks.

"Because I would like for us to live one more day zach." She stared blankly. As everyone laughs at Zach we pull out of the driveway.

  Off to get some "ice cream" Yeah I know it's not the best lie in the world but it's the best we could do on such short notice.
A little while passes longer and the boys finally decide to say something.
"Camren babe, you passed at least 3 ice cream shops." Jonah remarked.

  "Mmhmm." Camren said.

"So, where are you going." He states back.

"I dunno."

"What do you mean you don't know."

"I don't mean 'I don't know' I mean 'I dunno'" she stared blankly.
  I giggled at the fact she was giving the boys such a hard time.

I look in the rear view mirror to see a confused Daniel. Once he saw me looking he smiled, showing his adorable tooth gap and winked.

   I blush and look back at the road.

15 minutes pass and we arrive at the airport.

"Camz, this isn't ice cream." Zach said from the back.

"Oh darn. Well we are here anyways. Everybody out!" She yells, putting the car on park.

Confused, the boys get out.

I walk to the trunk of the car and open it. I unload the suit cases. I put their names on each so I knew which one was which.

  As I set each luggage down, the boys looked even more confused.

"Why do you have our things?" Daniel asked.

"Because I'm prepared." I say.

"For what?" Corbyn joins in.

"For tour. Your lucky I am prepared for you people too." I say, handing Camren her luggage with a smirk.
"What?!" The boys yell.

But Camren and I start walking to our gate before we could answer. The boys quickly follow, clearly clueless.

"Camren what does she mean tour? It doesn't start for like 2 more weeks!" Corbyn added.

"That's what I thought. But here we are." She plainly states.

"So this isn't a joke?" Jonah asks.

"Why would we joke about that?" I say.

"What about Julia?" Jack asks. He had a hint of worry.

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