Chapter 6: Surprise for Jonah

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Bella's POV

I wake up to the sound of birds chirping.. may I add annoyingly? Yes I may. Of course I'm the first one to wake up. What else is new? Well with Julia and Lexie being new friends... I wouldn't know. But I'm still not surprised I'm the first awake. All I know is I'm making us bowls of cereal then getting ready then we are all heading out the door to do whatever.

After making them all breakfast, Julia and Lexie wake up to eat. "Where's Camren?" Lexie asks. I smile at them and motion with my head where she is. The girls turn to find Camren sleeping on the couch, somehow upside down. Camren has her legs where your head is supposed to be and her head was hanging upside down with her arms dangling down from the couch itself. Her position is rather hard to explain... I'll just show you...

Julia and Lexie laugh

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Julia and Lexie laugh. We all continue to eat our food and whisper about what we are doing today. "So what's the plan today?" I ask.
"Let's go to the boy's house and hang around. Then Camren can see Jonah and Lexie can see Zach and I can see Ja- Well you know who I wanna see, but you could also get to know Daniel better too." Julia said. "I told you I want him and me to be just friends. You also already ruined the 'secret' that he liked me." I said. "Oh honey with how he acts around you... it was never a secret. Besides he never stops talking about you!" Julia said. I laugh it off, not wanting to talk about this anymore.

"Alright lets get ready." Lexie said.
We all walk into my room. We decide to dress lazily. No makeup, no nothin. We were all going to match in messy buns and all. Julia was wearing a pair of leggings with a soft t shirt. She made sure to tie her signature "thot knot" with her shirt. (Juliamarie273 😂😏) Lexie was wearing a pair of black jean shorts with a cute crop top and a flannel around her waist. I made sure she wore a cute bow in her messy bun and wore some perfume. (ThatOneAuthor25 zach likes girls that smell good, yor welcome😏) . I ended up wearing some joggers with a cardigan. We all dressed pretty basic.
  We were about to walk out the door when we realized we were forgetting something... Camren. She was still on the couch in the same position... umm how? "CAMREN WAKE UP!" I yell. She groans. "WE ARE LEAVING TO SEE YOUR BOYFRIEND." Julia yelled.  Camren just groaned again. "WE ARE GOING TO GRAB SOME TEA ON THE WAY!" Lexie chimed in. After that sentence, Camrens eyes went wide and she flipped off the couch and landed on her face. (A/n this Camren girl ain't so smart amirite? ...wait a min.) Camren gets up with another groan. She was wearing spandex shorts so she ran to my room and 4 seconds later came out wearing a pair of MY joggers. "Excuse you, those are mine." I state. "Thanks." She says. I roll my eyes playfully and we were on our way.

Daniel's POV
   The boys and I were SO bored. We had nothing to do. It got to the point where we sat in the living room and just stared at eachother. Of course Zach and Jonah were on their phones. I guess we were having an unofficial staring contest, suddenly jack broke' "Ugh when will Julia be back?!?" He screams. "Why? She literally lives here and you see her everyday." Jonah says. Well he seems salty.
"Ummm... maybe because I'm going to make us official soon and I need to spend time with her to subtly find out how she wants to be asked!" Jack admits.  Jonah groans. "Whatever!"
"Why so salty?" Corbyn asks. "Nunya." He responds. "Huh?" "Nunya business." Jonah replies.
"Did you forget to drink your coffee this morning?" Zach asks, not looking up from his phone. That boy, I swear. "No I just don't want to hear about your Love lives and girlfriends or soon to be girlfriends or anything love related!" Jonah says. "Why?" Jack asks. Then Jonah mumbles something that started with a 'cam' but I didn't get the whole thing. (A/n if you didn't already get it, Jonah is salty because of his long distance relationship.)
   "Okay well I'm still bored." I reply. No one answers me. They're all doing their own thing now. How nice.
I hear the door bell and a couple knocks. Thats our secret code to enter the house. Must be Julia. Jack's head props up and his face lightens up. "You get that so I don't look too desperate for her to come back." Jack says. I roll my eyes and make my way to the door.
   "Hey Julia." I say to the girl standing at the porch all by herself. "Hello." She has an evil smirk. She's up to something. Julia casually walks in. "Hi! -I mean h-Hey girl." Jack says. Julia looks at him confused. "Hey jack?"
  "How was the sleepover at Bella's?" I ask, suddenly day dreaming about her. I swear, love at first sight exists. I've experienced it. "Oh it was very.... eventful." She says, voice fading towards the end of her sentence. Yeah something is definitley up. "Well I'm gonna go up to jack's room to grab a hoodie real quick." Julia says. "Oh let me come with-" jack tried to say but was quickly cut off by her. "Nope! I'm capable on my own thanks though." She was already halfway up the stairs. "What was that about?" Corbyn asks. "Who knows, who cares. Back to silence." Jonah says. Boy if he don't straighten up no- THUD... we all hear.
"What was that?" Zach asks. We all shrug. "I nominate Daniel to check!" Jack says. "Why don't you? It might be Julia." I say. "Nope. I'm not tryna die." Jack says. I roll my eyes for the 50th time today. I make my way uostairs and check all the rooms, then I get to Jack's room. I slowly open the door to see...
Bella's POV
   "Shut up!" Julia whispered when letting us in through Jack's window. We had to climb in to sneak into the house without the boys knowing but Lexie just happened to fall when entering. Oops? After trying to shuffle around quietly, we see the door opening. Oh great we are busted. "Julia are you oka- what the?" Daniel remarks.
"Oh hey Danny." Julia says, trying to act innocent. Honey it's not working. " what even are you doing?" He asks with a smile. I see him smile at me, for some reason I felt my legs grow weaker. That was wierd, but I smile back anyways.
"We were going to surprise you." I say. "Ohh. Okay well you can surprise the rest of the boys, I'll just go down there and act like nothing happened." Daniel said. "Thanks dude." Camren said. "Your welc-who are you?" Daniel was severely confused. "You will find out soon now let's speed this up, I'm hungry." Lexie says. Daniel leaves the room and we get back into action.


Daniel's POV
I was so happy when I saw Bella there. My mood was one hundred times better. I walked downstairs and quietly sat down. "What happened?" Jack asks. "Nothing, Julia just tripped on your mess of a floor." I say to him.
He shrugs as Julia cane walking down caually.
She put music on very loudly to distract us.
"Could you turn that down please! I'm trying to call someone (Camren)!" Jonah yells through the noise. "Sorry no can do, you can call Camren later! ... or hug her and give her a big smooch.. whatever you two do." Julia said, mumbling the last part. Then she starts dancing in front of us very crazily. This MUST be a distraction for the boys. "What are you doing?" Corbyn asks. "Im dancing, duh." Julia says. As the boys just stare at Julia and her wierd moves, I see the girls sneak into the kitchen quickly and duck behind the counter. I smile. "What is the point of this?" Jonah asks, very salty. "Salty are we? That's gonna change sweetly." Julia says. "Doubt it." Jonah mumbles. Julia turns the music down. "THANK GOD ITS OVER!" Zach yelled. "I liked it." Jack smirked. "Julia winked. "Ew." Said a voice sitting right beside me. Wait what? The boys let out a small squeal due to Bella's sudden appearance. SHE WA SSITTING RIGHT NEXT TO ME! My stomach was tossing and doing flips. I tried my best to contain the way she made me feel. "Where are the others?" I whispered to her. "Just watch this, it's part of our surprise for Jonah." She whispers back. "Surprise? Huh." I reply. "Lets just say it has to do with the girl you saw earlier." She tells me. I nod, and watch the upcoming events.
"Where did you come from?" Zach asked. "Jackson, Florida." Bella replies. "That's not what I mea-" Zach was soon cut off by Lexie popping out from behind Zach's couch. "I'm from Texas!" She says, scaring the living beans out of Zach. He screamed so loud, it made Bella jump a little bit. Seeing Lexie made Zach's expression change quickly. "They would be so cute together." I whispered to Bella. "Yes they would." She replies.

Julia then sits next to Jack. After an awkward silence, CHRISTINA COMES OUT FROM BEHIND THE COUNTER AND SITS NEXT TO CORBYN. What the heck? "Was this planned too?" I ask Bella. "I had no idea she was here." Bella replied. She texted Julia, but Julia didn't know Christina was here either, then Bella texted the girl's group chat, The Camren girl replied that she added Christina to the plan. Apparently Christina and Camren have met before... interesting.
After Corbyn and Christina reunite, we all smile at eachother. Then we all realize that Jonah is sitting alone, on his phone. "Jonah are you okay?" Lexie asks. "Nope. Y'all have fun with you 'girls'" then Jonah angrily gets up off his seat. Julia, Lexie, Christina and Bella all share a smirk. As Jonah is about to turn the corner to leave the room.. he stops and drops his phone. Mouth open from shock. "Where do you think your going?" We hear a voice. "Camren." Jonah says. His smile brightens and Camren comes running up to Jonah and she jumps in his arms. "I missed you so much." He said. "I could tell, you were very salty about my absence." Camren says motioning towards us. We all agree. After Jonah and Camren take their seats, we all sit around and chat. Camren introduces herself. Everyone looked happy. It seemed that they all had a partner. I just wish my partner felt the same way towards me as I do to her. One day Bella, one day you will see.


This chapter was soooo long. Anywho. Here's some cuteness for y'all. I honestly fangirled over everyone's parts.

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