Chapter 18: Is that A Challenge?

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Bella's POV

After last night's events, we all decided to just sleep over at the boy's house because Um why not. Camren, Lexie, And I were too lazy to go home and get clothes so we decided to just take the boy's clothes because Julia wouldn't let us borrow hers because she wanted us all to wear the boy's clothes. (Did that make sense? Am I even speaking English)

Of course I'm always the first one to wake up.
I go downstairs, still wearing Daniel's shirt over a pair of my spandex that I wore under my dress last night- to make breakfast.

As soon as I get the eggs out, Camren comes down in Jonah's joggers and just a sports bra. Well, at least it's not a regular bra.

"Oooh food. I want to help." She says.

"KAY make toast." I direct her to the toaster and butter. I knew she would complain if I gave her a harder job.
As she is roasting the bread, she gets a 'ding' from her phone.

"Who is that?" I ask.
She reads the message and looks at me the same way she looked last night on the way home in the car.

"Camren, What is going on?" I ask.

Camren then checks the area to make sure absolutely no one is listening, then she takes me into the back yard to tell me. It's like she was working for a secret agency or something...

"Okay can you tell me now." I ask.

"Okay, be ready for some news... I'm going on tour again! But this time, I need to bring you. Your a great public speaker and due to last night, we all know you can dance at least a little bit." She said with hopeful eyes.

"Camren I don't know, what about archer-"

"That's all taken care of! I'll hire a trainer for you if you really need it or you can easily bring a target and a bow so you can practice wherever we go." She says.

Good point. I would be helping my best friend AND I would be staying shape.

"Okay What is this tour about?"

"It's called the 'believe it or not' tour. It is mainly to promote my new album 'inspire' and to publically speak to people and motivate them. It's basically a motivational meet and greet. We even get to associate with little kids too! During one of the stops we also get to help out at a homeless shelter and oh yeah... itfeautyreswhydontwebutihaventtoldthemyet." Camren said, mumbling the last part.

"What did you say?" I ask.

"My tour includes the boys, but they don't know it yet and tour starts in umm... two weeks." She says.


"SH! I wanted to make sure you would go first. I want you to host this thing."

I honestly felt flattered. I thought about it. What could possible happen honestly. I would be helping others AND myself. All with the people I love. It's PERFECT!

"Okay, I'll do it. Are the girls doing it too?" I ask.

"Hello how else would we party to fergalicious. Oh did I mention Julia would be throwing a surprise fashion show in New York during tour? She had been secretly working on her own clothing line for the longest time and I only knew because I needed to know for the tour." Camren said. I freaked out.

"THATS SO GOOD FOR HER!" I yelled. Camren instantly covered my mouth.

"Girl if ya don't talk ya hand off me now, you won't have it anymore." I mumble.

"Damn chill. But you have to be quiet for now. I need to announce this tonight." Camren says.

"Wait So then why did you look so worried when you got the dings on your phone?" I asked.

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