You are Harry Potter's twin sister. At the Dursley's, you two are excluded, hidden, denied everything. But at Hogwarts, you have friends, a real family, and people to help you. You fight Voldemort with Harry, Ron, and Hermione, and everything is fin...
I looked over at Harry. He nodded and we went into the Chamber Of Secrets.
After some stuff happened with Ron and that git, Lockhart, we quickly went down to the actual Chamber. Harry spoke Parseltongue and we entered the large, watered room.
"HARRY!" I screamed, "BE CAREFUL!"
I am worried about him. Yeah, I know he can handle this on his own, but it still worries me. He had made me stand far away from his and the basilisk, but I needed to help.
I looked over and saw Fawkes, Professor Dumbledore's Phoenix, and the sorting hat, flying above us all.
I had an idea, I just needed a distraction. Fawkes sure did distract the basilisk, and so I ran over to Harry and picked up Ginny.
"Y/n! I told you to stay back!" Harry yelled, still fighting the basilisk.
I ignored him, bringing Ginny over to the entrance of the Chamber.
I was really scared for Harry and Ginny's life. 'How will I live ifmy two best friends are dead?' I thought, looking back at Harry.
'Don't look into the eyes of the basilisk!' my mind yelled at me.
I quickly looked away, sighing.
I looked and saw a large tail right above my head. Ducking, I pulled out my wand.
"Y/n! Take Ginny and get out!" Harry demanded.
I shook my head.
"No! I'm staying with you!" I replied.
We fought the basilisk and ended up killing it. We destroyed the diary and Ginny woke up.
"Harry! Carry Ginny to the Hospital Wing!" I whispered to him.
He nodded and picked her up bridal style.
'Yasssssssssssssssssssssssssssss!!' I thought, giggling. 'They would be such a cute couple!'
I smiled and walked back with Harry, Ron, and Ginny.
Gryffindor won the house cup again. I was disappointed for my own house but glad for The Golden Trio.
Lucius Malfoy was kicked from the School Government and Draco actually looked disappointed.
*On the Hogwarts Express*
I sat in a compartment with Harry, Hermione, Ron, Ginny, Fred, and George.
We laughed, chatted, complained about Malfoy, and shared our exciting stories. It was really quite interesting.
"Ugh... I have to go back to the Dursleys... it's torture!" I groaned.
"Come stay with us!" Fred and George said together.
"Or with me," Hermione included.
I shook my head. "No, stupid Dudley wouldn't let me leave at all."
"Apparently he needs his daily dose of Y/n in order to live," Harry loudly whispered.
"Yeah, maybe I should leave forever and he actually will die!" I said with a laugh.
The train slowed and we headed back into the Muggle world.
Our summer was hell as usual. Harry and I did so many chores, as always. However, we got presents from Ron and Hermione. Hermione gave me a necklace that apparently lit up whenever it touched my soulmate.
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