The Flu

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Jimin placed his hands on your flushed face. "I'm waiting for the one year I don't have the flu," you whined as he took out the thermometer.

Jimin ran it across your forehead and sighed. "It's well over one hundred, sis."

You pouted and popped another cough drop into your mouth. You felt bad for getting sick because Jimin was the only one home this week. You didn't want to be a burden to him.

He wrapped you in his arms and laid his chin on your head. "You're going to get sick, Jimin," you cautioned.

"You're worth it," he answered. He pulled away and smiled. "Why don't you get in bed and turn on a movie?"

You nodded and walked to your room, hoping you could doze off to sleep.


Jimin lightly knocked on your door and when no one answered he pushed it open just a tad. You were quietly sleeping, the blankets in a mess around you from your restlessness.

He sat a water bottle on your nightstand with a handful of cough drops. Jimin sighed as he brushed the hair off of your sweaty face.

"Get well, sweet pea."


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