Where Kim (Y/N) experiences more crazy and heartwarming scenarios with her seven brothers.
|Book 2|
***Highest Rankings: #74 in Fanfiction on April 18, 2018***
/// Reached 1MIL on July 21, 2019. I love you, cherubs. Thank you for everything...
Requested by AnneyongArmys. I hope you like it, hun, and thank you for requesting! I love you~!
Also, this is in the Famous AU, the AU that I think everyone loved lol.
You were stuck with Jin's friend, Mi Sun. You had been left in her care and she was more than happy to take care of you. And where are your brothers? Touring the world, pleasing thousands and thousands of fans. You were sad that you couldn't go along. Who wouldn't after packing three bags and getting shoved back into the house?
"Where do you think you're going?" Hoseok asked, smirking at you.
"Going with you," you replied.
"We didn't tell you?" Namjoon frowned. "We don't want you going on this trip."
"You mean you don't like me anymore?" you asked dramatically.
Jungkook nodded. "Yep. Never have and never will."
Jimin shoved him. "Oh hush." He looked over at you. "We're going to be gone longer, so we thought that it might be safer if you stay home."
You whined. "Jin!"
The oldest was rushing down the stairs. "Yes, princess?"
"Am I really not allowed to come with you guys?"
"I'm afraid you have to stay here," Jin pouted, hugging you close and squishing your cheeks. "Mi Sun will be here later and will stay with you while we're on tour so be nice to her okay?"
"No promises," you murmured, sad that you wouldn't be joining your siblings on their tour.
"Don't be sad," Taehyung cooed, kissing your forehead. "I'll call you every night and text you every moment of the day!"
"Hey, we got to go," Yoongi said, poking his head in the front door.
You groaned before hugging Taehyung close. "You promise?"
"Cross my heart, hope to live," he grinned, latching his pinky onto yours. And after you said all your goodbyes and good lucks, you were left alone in the Kim household.
While your brothers were away on tour, you became ill. This wasn't just a fever and sniffles. You kept throwing up and your fever was well over one hundred. Mi Sun took you to the hospital, very concerned about your health. The doctors said you were okay – that you just needed to stay for a few days and get some "professional" care.
It didn't take long for your brothers to find out about your predicament. Mi Sun called Jin and told them everything, from the moment she woke up to you throwing up everywhere to you getting placed in the hospital. And your brothers became worried sick.
"What are we going to do?" Jimin asked after Jin had got off the phone with his friend.
"Well it's not like we can just head down and visit her," Namjoon sighed.
"Exactly," Taehyung stated. "That's why we're going to cancel the rest of the tour."
"Taehyung, don't make any rash actions," Yoongi said. "We can come up with a decision after we talk about this."
"What would (Y/N) want us to do?" Jungkook asked.
"She would probably want us bring her here," Hoseok answered, still a little guilty of pushing you away and not letting you come with them.
"If I was (Y/N), I would want us to cancel the tour and head over back home," Taehyung stressed, making hand gestures to hopefully get the point through.
"We get it, Tae," Jin said. "I kind of agree. I'm sure ARMYs would understand."
"Yeah," Yoongi agreed. "They love her just as much as us and they would want her to be well."
"Us being there isn't going to make her magically become well," Jungkook said. "We should just continue the tour. It's almost over anyways. I think (Y/N) want us to continue."
Taehyung pouted. "If you guys aren't going, then I am. Jin can have all my lines."
"Taehyung, don't just bail like that," Namjoon stopped him.
"How about Taehyung goes to be with (Y/N)," Jin thought, trying to come up with a compromise. "And if she gets better while the tour is still going on, Taehyung can return."
"Are you sure?" Jimin asked.
Taehyung nodded. "At least she can have one of us there. I'll make sure to let her know much you guys wanted to come."
"I'm sure she'll understand," Hoseok said.
"Let's go tell manager-nim, I guess," Namjoon sighed, standing up from his seat.
You were in your hospital bed, watching YouTube on your laptop. You were getting a lot better, but the hospital still wanted you to stay because your fever wouldn't go down. It was still high as ever, but you didn't feel bad at all.
There was a knock on the door and you told for them to come in, thinking it was Mi Sun with your lunch. Instead, the floor opened slowly, the space behind it empty. You looked around, confused as to why the door would magically open. You didn't imagine that knock, right?
As soon as you went to get up and shut it, your brother jumped out, doing jazz hands with a bouquet of flowers in his hand. You squealed. "Taehyung!"
He grinned and skipped over to you, hugging you tightly. "How are you doing? We were so worried about you."
"I'm good," you answered, not pulling away from your brother even if he let go of you. "My fever won't go down, though."
"Oh really? Poor baby," he whined, poking out his lower lip.
"So are the others here?" you asked, looking around.
"Nope," he replied. "We came to a decision to let me come and stay with you until you got better. I said they could cancel-"
"No!" you shouted. "You can't cancel the tour! ARMYs need you!"
Taehyung chuckled. "You need us too, princess. So that's why I'm here."
You sighed, a small grin displayed on your face. "Thank you, Taehyung."
He grinned. "Happy to help!"
I hope you liked it hun~!
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The process of writing: Type the first word and stare at it for about a good ten minutes before watching YouTube