I Don't Like Your Girlfriend

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This was requested by one of my fabulous readers, yeet_fam_2k17. I hope you like and enjoy this! Thank you so much for requesting~!

This doesn't really have a whole lot to do with Jungkook, but in a way in kind of does so...


You knew Jungkook's love for one of his classmates. Her name was Lindsey and she had silky black hair the color of ink and her skin was lovely balance of peaches and cream. Her lips were always plump and full and you couldn't ignore the dreamy sighs Jungkook would breathe when she passed by. But his dream finally came true when he asked her to prom and she said yes. You thought it would stop there but suddenly they were dating and he was always ditching you after school to go hang out with her, leaving you to walk home alone most of the time.

Yes, Lindsey was always complimented by her elders on how nice and caring she was. But you thought the opposite. You had seen several incidents where she was anything but caring. When a middle schooler dropped their things in her presence, she merely walked away or glared at them for getting in the way. You had once bumped into her on your way to one of your classes and she responded with a crude, "Can't you watch where you're going, kid?" So when Jimin had told you that Jungkook and Lindsey were a thing, you felt hatred and anger bubble up inside you.

You had been home for a few hours now after school had ended for the day. Jungkook didn't walk you home for he went with Lindsey to the mall so she could get a few things. You had finished all your homework and was lounging on the couch when the door swung open.

"Hi, (Y/N/N)!" Lindsey giggled and waved at you from the front door as she walked in. How dare she use your nickname.

"Is everybody else home yet?" Jungkook asked you. Ever since he started dating Lindsey, the goofy smile he had never left his face.

"I think," you responded, getting up from the couch. You went to the kitchen to be out of their presence. You knew why he brought her home. So she could be introduced to everyone. But you didn't want her in your home. You wanted to only see her at school and nowhere else.

You walked back into the living room to retrieve your things but before you could even get them, Lindsey's voice penetrated your ears.

"You're in Algebra? How's it going for you?"

You watched as she flipped through your book and you went to grab it out of her hands but it was too late. Worksheets and quizzes fell out and Jungkook made a disapproving sound. The red sixties and fifties written on the papers bored into your eyes and you scowled. You only wanted to Jin and Namjoon to see those so they could help you.

"If you need help, (Y/N/N), I can tutor you-"

"I don't need your help!" You snapped. You grabbed the book out of her hands and snatched up the papers. "Maybe you need help! Who told you it was right to just flip through someone's grades?"

Jungkook stood up and pushed you away. "Go to your room (Y/N) if you can't behave."

"Gladly," you growled, stomping off. You heard Jungkook utter apologies to his girlfriend and how his sister was just being a brat like she always was. You stormed up the stairs, tears falling. You knew that this was going to happen. You knew that Jungkook was going to start standing up for Lindsey more than you and you hated that. The only one that helped you through a school day wasn't there for you anymore and you were back to being by yourself.


You heard a knock at your bedroom door and you didn't tell them to come in. But the door cracked up and a solemn face looked at you. It was Lindsey and your blood went cold as you made eye contact.

Lindsey shut the door behind her and stood in front of you. "I wanted to apologize for looking through your stuff, Miss Kim," she said. "I can be a little nosey at times."

You didn't respond, looking her up and down to see what kind of tricks she planned to play on you.

"Jungkook was telling me how you should be saying sorry, but I don't blame you for lashing out like that. I would have, too, if I were in your shoes," she continued. "So I'm the one saying sorry."

You remained silent.

"I know how I've been rude at school. It's just that seniors kind of look at the middle schoolers and automatically feel annoyed. We shouldn't though, because that's not right." She leaned forward. "You want to start over?"

"You're not mad at me for yelling at you in front of your boyfriend?" you asked, incredulous.

"Of course not! I forgive you, sweetie."

"Then I guess we can start over. But if you continue to be like that, I won't hesitate to be rude again."



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