Kidnapped (Part One)

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This is even later than the last. WHOOPS. franchescacoma07 I hope you enjoy this part one, depsite it being one thousand years late. This will probably have three or more parts, so stay tuned for more. I hope you enjoy and I'm sorry this is late!


"I'm never going on a trip with you guys now," Namjoon muttered as he watched the twins skip away, hand in hand, and Jungkook racing after them.

Jin chuckled. "You're having fun, I know it."

Namjoon grinned and shrugged. "Maybe I am, maybe I'm not."

"I'm sure (Y/N) thinks you're having fun," Jin countered. "Right, (Y/N)?" He turned around and looked behind him, expecting you to be there.

But you weren't.

"Huh?" Jin stopped Namjoon from walking and looked back along the sidewalk to see if maybe you were trying to catch up from tying your shoe or something.

"Wait, where's the kiddo?" Namjoon asked, his smile fading.

"I-I-I dunno." Jin felt his pulse quicken. "(Y/N)!?" He yelled your name. "Yah, Kim (Y/N)! Stop hiding!" But you didn't come out of an alleyway laughing at your brother's fear. You didn't appear at all.

"Why are you guys stopping?" Taehyung asked, walking back to his older brothers. He had seen Namjoon and Jin standing in the middle of the side walk and he wanted to see what was stopping them.

"(Y/N)'s missing," Jin answered, his tone serious.

"What?" Jungkook asked. "What do you mean she's missing?"

"Hey, where's Yoongi- and Hobi-hyung?" Jimin added.

"Surely they're with her," Namjoon pondered.

"No, Hoseok would've told us if they were stopping anywhere," Jin countered.

"Then where could they be?" Jungkook wondered, his overprotective-ness rising.

"You know as much as I do," Jin replied.


"I swear, if anyone lays a hand on my sister," Yoongi growled as he trailed behind Hoseok, sweat dripping off his brow from the running. "I'll... I'll... I'll kill 'em!"

"Don't be so violent," Hoseok chided. "We're going to get her back. Just calm down. You can't think straight with nerves."

"You can't hit straight either," Yoongi added.

"Exactly," Hoseok agreed, a small smile appearing on his face, exposing a row of pearly teeth. "Oh hey." Hoseok pointed ahead of the two boys to a car that turned a corner, disappearing behind a row of buildings. "Whoever has her just turned there."

"Well, hurry," Yoongi breathed. He slowed down, bending over his knees. Hoseok stopped in his tracks and came to his brother's aid.

"Hurry? What about you?"

"Just go," Yoongi panted. "You got more energy than a kid on a sugar high. Just don't let that car out of your sight. If you loose them, I got the liscense plate memorized."

Hoseok nodded and followed the side walk, turning down the road that the black car turned at. He looked around and noticed that the car was no where in sight. He looked in a few alleyways, his heart beat quickening. "No, no, no," he muttered, finding no car that looked like the one his sister was trapped in. "Where are you?"

Just five minutes ago you had been between Hoseok and Yoongi, laughing and talking about stuff that happened when they were in school. Yoongi was talking about some of the pranks and antics him and his classmates had pulled off when you told them you had to tie your shoe. They didn't hear you and kept walking as you knelt down to do as you said you would. A few seconds passed, and you yelped. Yoongi and Hoseok looked back see some hooded figure taking a hold of your arm and pull you into a black car. The two went to help you, but the car started and took off for the way they had come from. They ran to catch up, only to realize that they wouldn't be able to. But they kept running. They couldn't catch up, so they made an effort to know where it went.

But now you were out of their grasp, somewhere they didn't know of.


I hope you liked it~!

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