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Requested by littleblackpink100. Thank you so much for requesting and I hope you enjoy!

This is in a separate AU, so no, this isn't official. 


"I can't wait to have a baby sister!" Hoseok cheered, bouncing up and down as he sat in the car.

His mom smiled as she looked at the brick building in front of her. The name of the orphanage was displayed on the side on the large building. Her hand was in her husband's, and they both felt the antipication rising within their chests. She gave the hand in hers a squeeze before turning around to face all seven boys in the car. "Appa's going to take you all home then come back to help me with the paperwork. Jin's in charge until we get back, alright?"

"Alright, eomma," they all said simultaneously.

She then turned to her husband and planted a kiss on his lips before bidding him a goodbye. She exited the car and her family watched as she entered the place in front of them. They all were excited, but a sense of fear lied within them.

"Appa, what if the girl isn't ready? What if someone else adopted her?" Taehyung asked, remembering the picture of the (H/C) haired girl that was stuck to the fridge at home.

Their dad chuckled. "She'll be ready. And we've already came this far to adopt her, I couldn't see them turning us down."

Their mom had given birth to all seven sweaty and agitated kids that sat in the van. After Jungkook, the doctor told her that she wouldn't be able to have anymore children.

"But we've been trying for a girl all this time," she gasped.

So they didn't give up. They turned to adoption and looked for the perfect little girl to welcome into their home. And it didn't take long for Kim Sejun and Kim Marie to find the perfect five-year old toddler.



"When are they going to get back?" Jimin asked, nerviously biting down in his fingernail.

"Hopefully soon," Namjoon responded.

"I can't wait to see her," Jin cooed, staring at your photo on the refridgerator.

"Maybe it's taking so long because she died," Jungkook noted.

"Jungkook!" Yoongi gasped. "They would've told us if she died."

"I can't keep waiting," Hoseok whined.

"Me either!" Taehyung groaned. He laid his head down on the kitchen counter just as the sound of the front door opening rang out. Like lightening, all seven males ran to the living room to meet the new family member.

Their dad signaled for the boys to quiet down. They could see past him to see their mom bent down. She was talking to someone but they couldn't see who. "She's a little shy, alright?"

They all seemed to hold their breath as their mom guided you into their house. Your wide eyes went everywhere, searching and observing everything around you. Your eyes landed on your new brothers and your mind filled was instantly filled with curiosity. Who are these people? Will they love me?

And your new siblings were shocked to see you. They were amazed at how quickly this had happened. They couldn't believe their adopted sister was now theirs, standing in the middle of their living room.

"I already love her!" Jin exclaimed, started cry. He got on the ground and took you into his arms, placing you in lap.

You gasped at the sudden embrace but were immediately distracted by something. "Shiny!" you giggled, reaching up to take a hold of one of Jin's earrings. He chuckled at your actions.

"She's so cute!" Jimin gushed, already falling in love with you.

"I want to hold her!" Hoseok said, tapping Jin's shoulder.

Jin reluctantly complied and let the eager teen take you from him. You didn't react as much as he wanted you to, but he didn't mind since you held onto him tightly.

"Hey, Jungkook said he doesn't want her in his room so can she sleep with me instead?" Taehyung asked.

"I never said that!" Jungkook defended. He wanted you to share his room and he couldn't wait to watch over you and help you with your nightmares when you woke up.

"She should sleep with me since I'm older," Jimin quipped.

"I never said she could go to someone else's room!" Jungkook whined. "I want her in my room."

"Oh dear, what have we done?" your dad muttered to his wife.

Yoongi was the next one to hold you and as soon as you were passed to him, he started walking up the stairs.

"Where are you going?" Namjoon asked. "I want to play with her."

"Yeah, me too," Jimin agreed.

"I want to play with her alone so you guys won't overwhelm her," Yoongi snapped. "You guys are acting like heathens."

"You're acting like a jerk!" Taehyung yelled.

Due to all the yelling back and forth, you started to tear up. Namjoon heard you sniffling and he carefully took you out of Yoongi's arm who was too busy trying to come up with a good comeback. "Here there, kiddo," he cooed. "How are you?"

"Who?" you asked, touching his nose with a single finger.

He grinned. "I'm Namjoon."

"I am (Y/N)," you responded, trying your best to make sense in front of these new people. You tears subsided right away, which was odd, but you were fine so they were all happy.

"Do you like your new family?" he asked.

You gave him a questioning look, not sure what he asked. But you made it up by asking him about a toy.

"Ooh, I can go get some of her new toys that are upstairs!" Jimin suggested, hearing you. He raced off upstairs and when he returned, he placed a small teddy bear in your hands.

"Thank oo," you told him as you grabbed it. "Down?" you asked, looking up at Namjoon who obeyed and sat you on the ground.

You wobbled a bit, but then started to make your way around the new place. All eyes were on you and they watched as you stumbled past them, only to fall onto Jimin's leg. He caught you as soon as you slipped, and you smiled at his sudden reaction.

The rest of the day, all your new siblings welcomed you into their loud and busy family. You grew close to them rather quickly and they were glad to see that you were already making yourself at home. And of course, your brothers were happy to have you there and they couldn't wait to show you off to all their friends.


I love you guys and I hope you have a wonderful weekend!

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