Kidnapped (Part Two)

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"So we're in a foreign country, our sister has been kidnapped, and we already have the police on it," Namjoon sighed. "Like I said, I'm never coming on a vacation with you guys ever again."

"I would tell you that you're actually having fun but I don't think now's a good time," Jin muttered.

Jimin layed his head down on the table. "I know I'm not."

"We can't just sit around," Jungkook piped up as he paced back and forth by the table in the kitchen. They were in the house they rented for this vacation, and having you not present was taking every bit of "vacation" out of this.

"No, but the police just told us to stay put," Yoongi said. "I doubt they're even working on it."

"Well you helped them some," Taehyung brought up, his voice fragile as he was worried sick about your safety. "You helped them get the liscense plate number."

Yoongi nodded. "I tried."

"I feel so helpless," Hoseok cried. "We don't even know where to look."

"Right," Namjoon agreed. "If we were back home-"

"We would at least have an idea as to where to look," Jungkook finished.

A small buzzing sound was heard and all seven eyes scanned the room for the source. "Is it someone's phone?" Jin asked. Jimin pulled out his from his back pocket and gasped. Your name was displayed on the screen along with your contact picture and Jimin immidately answered.

"Where are you?" he shrieked.

"I don't have much time," you whispered, barely audible. "But I heard them say something about that restaurant Jungkook pointed out. The one with all the crazy neon lights. Something about meeting someone there at ten tonight, I couldn't really tell."

"What's going on? Who has you? Have they done anything?"

But the line was cut and Jimin only stared at his phone when it closed, saying the call had ended. He slouched, incredulous.

"What did she say?" Taehyung asked his twin, leaning forward. He knew it was you on the phone. Jimin didn't have to say anything.

"Jungkook, you remember that restaurant you said you wanted to eat at?"

Jungkook nodded. "What does-"

"Well today's your lucky day."


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