Chapter 1

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Barry's POV

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Barry's POV

"I'm honestly surprised that we haven't been paped yet," I mumble, glancing around nervously as Cassidy and I eat.

The pink haired girl laughs and reaches over to grab my hand. She holds onto it tightly, "You just jinxed us, Bear."

I groan, "I hope not. I'm so done with paparazzi. I don't know why we have to deal with it. We aren't even famous."

"But our parents are. I know it sucks, but we can't change who we are," Cassidy reminds me, squeezing my hand. I smile, nod, and look into her green eyes.

"So what are we doing for your birthday, Hood?" She questions before taking another bite of her hamburger.

"We?" I tease, laughing.

"Ha ha," she replies, rolling her eyes at me, "only one of us will be eighteen, Barry."

"I'm just messing with you, Cass. I don't really want to do anything for my birthday. My parents are throwing a surprise party for me at some amusement park. We should just ditch," I suggest, pushing my fries around on my plate.

"Oh come on, Bear. They're just trying to do something nice for y-"

"Cass, I told them I don't want a big party. Just some little get together in the backyard would be great. My parents have this idea in their heads that they need to spoil me in order to show me that they care about me."

"I'm sorry. How did you even find out about the party anyways?"

"Dad talks in his sleep, and he sl- shit," I groan as I see flashes out of the corner of my eye.

"Oh no," my girlfriend mutters, trying to cover her face, "Just don't pay attention to them." Ten photographers rush up to our table, swarming around us.

"Barry! Barry! Is it true that Violet's in therapy?"

"Cassidy! Has your dad threatened to kill Barry?"

"Barry! Are you scared that Cassidy will leave you like her mom left Michael?" I see Cassidy tense up. I start to move to get up.

Cassidy reaches over and grabs my other hand, "Don't." I grunt in annoyance, but listen to her plead.

"Barry! How lucky do you feel to have landed a girl with a body like Cassidy's?" That's when I snap.

I jerk my hands away from Cassidy and jump up in my seat. I immediately spot the jackass who made that comment. I punch him in the nose. The screaming gets louder. Flashes blind me. Cassidy grabs onto my upper arm. I feel her gently pull on my arm, trying to get me to follow her. I do. The two of us hurry out of the restaurant and to my car, ignoring the paps behind us.

"Cassidy I'm sorry," I blurt out as soon as I lock the doors, "I just lost it. That guy-"

She leans over and hugs me tightly, her face buried in the crook of my neck, "It's okay, Bear. Thank you." I nod and hug her tightly.

"My parents are going to kill me," I state, still hugging her.

"Just tell them what happened. I'm sure they'll listen."

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