Chapter 3

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Blue's POV

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Blue's POV

"I'm going to go get Barry," I tell Calum as I stand up from the table. He grabs my hand, stopping me.

"Maybe we should give him a little space, Blue. He was pissed yesterday," Calum points out.

"Pissed or not he needs to eat breakfast," I reply. I pull my hand away and go upstairs. I grab the key from atop Barry's door and slide it into the locked door. I turn the key, unlock the door, then turn the knob. I immediately notice the lump under Barry's blanket and pillows. I roll my eyes at my sleepy son.

"Get up, Barry. It's almost eleven o'clock. You don't need to be sleeping this long," I state as I walk over and close his window. I turn back around and see that he's still laying there. Perfectly still. Not even breathing. My stomach drops. I yank the blankets off of the lump and see more pillows under there. No Barry.

"Calum!" I scream at the top of my lungs, getting deja vu. I hear my husband come running up the steps. I sink down on my son's bed, sobbing.

"Blue? Where's Barry?" Calum demands, pulling me into his arms. I cry into his chest, my heart beating fast.

"I dont know," I sob, "He's gone, Calum. He's gone again." Calum holds onto me tightly and grabs his phone. I see him click on Luke's number. He puts the phone against his ear.

"Are Piper, Violet, and Carter still there?" Calum asks immediately.

"He is?"

"Yeah okay. See you soon."

"Is it Barry? Is Barry over there?" I demand.

Calum shakes his head no, "Carter, Piper, Violet, and Jasper are. He's calling Ashton and Michael and they are going to come over in a few minutes."

"What about Cassidy? Is she still here?" I inquire, tears still running down my face. He shrugs his shoulders. Before either one of us can speak again, the doorbell rings. I climb off of Calum's lap and sprint downstairs. I throw the front door open to find Michael standing there looking pissed off.

"You! Your son convinced my daughter run away with him!" Michael accuses, letting himself in.

"Well your daughter didn't talk our son out of leaving," Calum fires, having my back.

"Hey! Don't start this!" Ashton yells, running into the house. He stands between us. Michael continues to glare at Calum and I.

"Mum? What's going on? Where's Barry?" Violet demands, running up to Calum and me.

"He ran away with Cassidy," Michael answers, spitting out the ugly truth. My daughter's eyes go wide. She hugs Calum tightly, crying into his shirt.

"I will knock your lights out, Clifford," I threaten, trying to move around Ashton.

"Blue! Fighting will get you nowhere!" Ashton yells, trying to block me. Michael continues to taunt me by sticking his tongue out. I lunge, but Luke grabs my waist, catching me before I can tackle Michael.

"Stop acting like children!" Brielle shouts, "We need to talk about this like adults!"

"Tell that to Michael! He's the one being a dick!" I scream, "I have a missing child too!"

"But you still have one here!" He retaliates, getting in my face, "Blue, you still have Violet and Calum. Cassidy is all I have. She's gone because of Barry." The anger leaves his face, replaced by sadness. He's close to tears. My anger dissipates.

"Cassidy is calling!" Piper shrieks, holding up her cell phone. We all rush over, desperate for answers.

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