Chapter 8

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Michael's POV (a week later)

"It's okay baby," I assure Cassidy, holding my daughter close, "Barry's gonna be fine. He's probably out there having the time of his life while still being responsible about it." She continues to cry into my shirt.

"It's all my fault dad," she whimpers, "I fucked up so badly. God why did i have to bring my phone?"

"Shh," I whisper, stroking her hair, "I promise it will all be okay. He'll be home soon enough. It's not your fault." My baby just continues to cry.

Calum's POV

"Dad! Your phone is ringing," Violet calls out, snapping me from my thoughts. My daughter walks into the room and tosses me my phone. I catch it and look at the number. Unknown. I hesitate for a second, then answer it. "Hello?"

"Is this Calum Hood?" A male voice questions.

I frown, "Yeah. Who is this?"

"This is Doctor Hough from Mount Sinai Hospital in New York. We have your son, Barry, here, and your name was listed first on his emergency contact list," the man answers. My stomach drops, and I start to shake.

"Why is he there?" I demand, worrying.

"I'm afraid that I am not able to release that information to you without first seeing identification since both your wife's and your phone number is frequently changed," Dr. Hough says apologetically. I want to punch a wall.

"We'll be there as soon as possible," I assure him. The man says goodbye and hangs up.

"Who was it?" Blue asks me, her blue eyes wide.

"Violet, go up to your room," I command, not wanting her to hear this.

"It's about Barry, isn't it?" She demands, sitting up quickly.


"You can't just cut me out!" She yells, "He's my brother!"

"This isn't up for discussion young lady," Blue snaps, clearly anxious to hear what the phone call was about. She stomps her foot down in annoyance, but walks upstairs to her bedroom. I look up the staircase to make sure she isn't lurking.

"Who was it?" Blue demands immediately.

"A hospital in New York. They have Barry there. They can't tell me why until they see I.D. because of our frequently changes in phone numbers."

"A hospital?" She screeches jumping up, "My poor baby. We have to go now!"

"I know Blue," I say, trying to calm her down, "You go ask Ashton and Michael to watch Violet, I'll tell Violet she's staying here with them. Let's meet at the car in a few minutes." She nods and goes running over to her brother's house.

"Violet," I start as I walk into my daughter's room, "your mum and I are getting ready to leave. Ashton and Michael are watching you."

"Why is Barry in the hospital?" She demands, her eyes watering.

I sigh, "I honestly don't know. They didn't tell me." She doesn't need to be scolded for snooping right now.

"I want to go too," Violet states, not surprising me in the least bit.

"Well that's not happening," I answer,
"Hopefully we'll be back in a day or two with Barry."

"That's so unfair dad," she whines.

"I know." I kiss her forehead, then go outside to see if Blue us waiting for me. She's standing there with Luke.

"He's coming too," Blue says before I even get the chance to ask. I nod and the three of us rush into the car.


"I got a call that my son is here," I tell the nurse at the reception table.

"Patient's name?"

"Barry Hood," I answer. She asks to see my I.D, which I provide for her quickly. She types a few more things into the computer, then makes a phone call. Not even a minute later, a doctor walks over to us.

"I'm Doctor Hough," the man introduces. I recognize his voice immediately. It's the same man I talked to on the phone. "I'm glad that you're here Mr. and Mrs. Hood." He glances at Luke questioningly.

"He's my brother," Blue blurts out quickly, messing with her ring, "What's wrong with Barry?"

Dr. Hough nods, "We got him in about six days ago. A jogger found him unconscious and soaked on the bank of a river. He called 911, and we got him here. He has a broken arm an-"

"Did he fall in or something?" Luke cuts in.

"That still wouldn't make sense because Barry can swim," Blue reminds her brother.

"That was our original theory too. We ruled it a suicide attempt after we took his wet clothing off and found the scars on his body," Dr. Hough says solemnly. My head spins. Suicide attempt? I glance over and see that Blue and Luke are just as confused as I am.

"Has Barry had a history of depression? We haven't been able to get him to say much to us. He'll answer a few questions here and there if they aren't personal. We had to finger print him to figure out who his parents are. I'm hoping that you three can get some more answers out of him for us."

"Can we see him now?" Blue questions, her voice cracking. Her eyes are watery. Dr. Hough nods and begins walking to our son's room. Blue slips her hand into mine before we follow behind him.

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