Chapter 6

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Jasper's POV

"Carter and I will be up in my room dad!" I shout downstairs to my father.

"Alright! Let me know if you hear anything from Cassidy!" Dad shouts back up. I grab onto Carter's hand and lead him the rest of the way to my bedroom, even though he already knows how to get there. We go inside and I go to my bed, flipping back dramatically. He laughs and sits down on my desk chair.

"So what do you think of this whole Barry thing?" Carter questions, asking the obvious question.

I sigh, "I think that I should've been there for him, Carter. He didn't even come to us to talk before deciding to run off. We've been his best friends since we were born. I can't help but think that we are the issue here; that if we were better friends, maybe he wouldn't have run away."

"I know what you mean Jasper," Carter replies, looking down at his lap, "we've been so caught up in us that we haven't been here for him. Cassidy really has been the only one around for him considering Violet is constantly hanging out with Piper."

"Speaking of us, I think we should probably stay hidden for now. Just until Barry is back home and safe," he says, "and of course until you're ready to come out."

"Do you think I'm being silly for not coming out yet, Carter?" I inquire as I stare out my window. He sits down on the bed beside me and wraps his arms around my shoulders. "All of our family and friends will support us. My dad won't care at all. I don't know why I'm staying hidden."

"You aren't being silly, Jasper. It's all about when you're ready to come out, not when you know everyone will be okay with it. Take your time babe," he instructs. I smile and kiss his nose. Carter laughs and pecks my lips, making me grin wider.

Blue's POV

"I don't like this Calum. He's running around, buying fake I.D.s, getting into clubs, and drinking his ass off. We can't just let him get away with this!" I exclaim, finally snapping.

"What do you suggest? That we fly to Vegas and get him and Cassidy?" Calum questions, leaning against the counter.

"Yeah, that's exactly what I'm suggesting," I reply, determined.

"I wouldn't do that if I was you two," my daughter comments, walking into the kitchen.

"Excuse me?" Calum comments, "Was that a threat?"

"No. Think about this though. Barry only told Cassidy that he was leaving because she was the only one he trusted enough to tell. Not even Jasper got an invite. If you two fly out there and get them, not only will Barry know that Cassidy's been talking to us behind his back, but if he decides to run off again once you get him home, then no one will have any idea of where he is since he won't take anyone with him. Not to mention how you'll fuck everything between him and Cassidy up," Violet explains as she grabs a poptart.

"Watch your language," Calum mutters distractedly. He and I are both pondering her explanation.

"If I were you two, I would just get used to Barry not being around until he decides to come back. Just like the rest of us are trying to do," she advises before she goes back upstairs to her room. I sigh in defeat as I realize that she's right and I'll just have to live without my son around for now.

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