Chapter 10

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Barry's POV

"Jasper and Carter have enough going on right now, Piper is always busy, Violet is constantly out with friends, and Cassidy doesn't listen. I practically told her I hate being alive and nothing. Like I said, no one gives a shit," I scream, finally losing my temper. Janice and Candice, two nurses, come running into the room and push past my parents. Candice grabs onto my arm and begins speaking softly to me.

"Honey, you need to calm down."  I see Janice turn to my parents and Luke.

"Deep breaths, Barry," Candice instructs.

"You three need to get out," Janice commands.

"We're his family. You can't just kick us out," dad argues, pain in his eyes.

"Barry you need to calm down. Ignore them," Candice commands sternly.

"Look, you three are either going to leave and go sit in the waiting room with the option of possibly seeing him again tonight, or you'll be permanently ejected from the hospital. Right now you all are raising Barry's blood pressure and stressing him out, which is the last thing he needs," Janice snaps, glaring at the three guests. Luke looks at my parents, then they leave my room.

"Barry if you don't calm down, you're going to black out," Janice tells me, holding onto my other arm, making sure to a voice my cast. Black out? That sounds great. I keep breathing heavily. Candice and Janice immediately realize what I'm trying to do.

"Barry, please," Janice pleads, "stop panting."

"We won't let them back in until you're ready," Candice promises, her forehead creased with worry. She's been protective of me from the first day I was here. So has Janice. I give in and take a deep breath, slowing my pace. The darkness fades from around the edges of my eyes. They both sigh in relief. I pull my arm from Candice and wipe my eyes. Wordlessly, I brush the tears from my eyes and turn over so I'm laying face down on the bed.

"We'll be right around the corner. Just call if you need us," Candice tells me softly. I listen as the two of them leave.

Blue's POV

"Are you two okay?" Luke asks Calum and I softly. The three of us are sitting in the small waiting section near Barry's room.

"We didn't listen to him. He's right," I mumble, numb. Calum squeezes my hand.

"We're terrible parents. How could we not see what was happening?" Calum asks softly, talking to himself.

"None of us di-"

"But we're his parents Luke! He's one of my babies!" I yell, distraught. We fall back into silence. Then a painful memory flashes in my mind. "Is this how you guys felt when I-" My voice gets cut off by a sob. They both know what I'm talking about.

"Yeah," Calum says quietly, still staring at the tile floor. It feels like the weight on my chest gets heavier. We sit there in silence, unable to find anything to say.

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