Chapter 22

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2 Weeks Later

Blue's POV

"I missed seeing them all together," I say softly, staring at our six kids, who are all happily chatting with each other under a nearby tree. All of us, the kids, 5SOS boys, Brielle, and I decided to surprise Barry with a picnic on the lawn outside the rehab center he's been at.

"Me too," Luke agrees, holding Brielle close.

"Have you guys heard anything about Barry getting released?" Ashton asks us, looking at Calum and I. They all turn their attention to us.

"His doctor thinks soon, like within the next week or two. Being back with Cassidy has helped him, I think," Calum answers, rubbing my side. Michael smiles at this information, his face practically glowing with pride.

"How'd your guys' kids take it when you told them that we aren't doing the tour anymore?" Michael inquires, "Cassidy was pretty relieved. She's been worrying about how that press would affect Barry. She's been trying to convince me to take the two of them to Orlando to go to Disney World."

"Sounds like Cass," Luke agrees, laughing softly, "Piper didn't really care. She told us that she knew we weren't gonna do it. Ash told Carter while he was over at his house with Jasper."

"They both took it well," Ashton shrugs, "I think they were more focused on other things though. The two of them have been practically attached at the hip ever since that stupid story aired."

"Barry and Violet both put on a bit of a show to act like they were upset, but neither one of them actually cared. They were both pretty glad," I finish the list.

"They need this break," Brielle sighs, "These last couple months have been really hard on all of them."

Barry's POV

"Guess what," Cassidy beams, staring up at me with an excited grin.

"What?" I respond, my heart racing as I stare at her beautiful face.

"I think I've convinced my dad to take us to Disney World. If we tag team him, I'm pretty sure we can get Universal Studios too." I laugh and squeeze her hand tightly.

"I wanna go," Violet whines, "I bet I can convince dad to take me."

"No," I tell my little sister, "Go somewhere else."

"You don't wanna go with them, Vi," Jasper laughs, "They're just gonna be kissing and feeling each other up the whole time."

"You're one to talk, Jasp," Cassidy fires back, "You and Carter haven't let go of each other since you came out." Jasper sticks out his tongue, making us all laugh.

"I still can't believe that actually cancelled the tour for us," Carter smiles, holding onto Jasper, who is leaning back against his chest.

"Really?" Piper challenges, "I thought it was pretty obvious that they were always gonna cancel for us. They love us and didn't like the way the press was affecting us."

"Know it all," he mutters at his twin. Piper flips him off.

"I'm glad they did," Violet confesses, "I'm so sick and tired of being in the headlines all the time. Maybe now the paps will fucking leave us alone."

"Unlikely," I sigh, "It'll probably help that we aren't gonna be on tour and can just stay home to avoid them. But I agree, Vi, I'm tired of the headlines." They all nod in agreement.

"I think we've all had enough headlines to last us a lifetime," Cassidy teases.

"Speak for yourselves," Piper laughs, "I haven't been in any lately."

"Lucky you," Jasper groans dramatically.

"Wanna trade lives?" Violet smiles. Piper snorts loudly as she shakes her head no.

"Life is fucking crazy," Carter starts, "Why does it feel like the spotlight is never gonna leave us? Do you guys feel like that too?" We all nod.

"Yeah," I agree, sighing softly, "But we'll be alright though."

The End

That was a shitty ass ending, I know. But I haven't even updated this book in forever and only did so today bc of the person who's been spamming me with comments all day (I love you, and please don't hate me too much for this ending).

Anyways, I'm sorry for not updating in forever and then ending it abruptly but if you like my stuff, you should check out my latest series. It's a four book series about 5SOS and superheroes, and the last book is currently being updated. The first book is Super Zero, and I hope you'll check it out. Thanks for reading and I love you all!


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