Chapter 5

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Cassidy's POV

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Cassidy's POV

"Cassie!" Barry slurs as he stumbles over to me. "Want some?" He thrusts his cup out to me. I lean back quickly and avoid the liquid that splashes over the rim of the cup. It hits the floor. My boyfriend stares at it sadly.

"Did they give you alcohol?" I demand, snatching the cup from him. I sniff and my nostrils burn. I gag at the smell.

"Give it back, Cassie," Barry commands, reaching for the cup. I hold it out of his reach. He starts to fall forward. I catch him and he leans his entire weight against my body. I spot a trashcan and throw the beverage away.

"You're done for the night. Come on. Let's go," I command. Barry stumbles after me like a drunk puppy. I sigh to myself and grab onto his hand. I wrap one of his arms around my body and let him lean his weight against me. Together, we stumble out of the club and back to our hotel room.


"Alright Barry," I state, grabbing a pair of his sweatpants and one of his tee shirts form his bag, "you need to get changed into your pajamas." He sits on his bed as I unbutton his shirt and toss it into his duffle bag. I help him put the tee shirt on. "You need to take off your pants."

His expression goes from carefree to panicked, "No!"

"Barry, it's only to chang-"

"No!" He argues, his eyes wide.

"Fine! Then go in the bathroom and do it yourself," I snap, exhausted. He grabs the sweats from me and goes into the bathroom. A minute later he returns in the gray sweatpants. He tosses the slacks into his duffle and climbs into bed. Not even two minutes later, he was snoring loudly. I grab my phone and dial my dad's number. He answers right away.

"Cassidy? Where are you guys? Are you okay?" He demands. I hear others shouting in the background and realize that everyone is all together.

"Yeah, we're good. Barry is going to be massively hung over tomorrow. Vegas hit him hard," I inform them as I change into my pajama bottoms.


"Hang over? He's not even eighteen yet!" Blue screeches.

"He had fake I.D.s for us and we got into a twenty-one and over club. Don't worry dad, I didn't drink anything. Barry didn't do anything stupid in there other than drinking. He is passed out right now," I laugh, glancing over at my boyfriend, who is peacefully sleeping with his cheek smushed against the mattress.

"Make sure he doesn't drink tomorrow," Calum instructs.

"I'll try, but I have no idea what we'll even be doing tomorrow, or where we'll be for that matter. Barry is the one who planned this entire thing," I remind them.

"Oh my God," dad mutters.

"Just please take care of him," Blue pleads.

"I will," I assure her, "but I'm going to let you guys go now. I'm pretty tired."

"Sleep in separate beds!" Dad yells right before I hang up. I giggle softly to myself as I hide my phone in my clothes again before climbing into bed and turning out the lights.

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