Chapter 7

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Barry's POV (a week later)

"Where are we going today?" Cassidy asks me, swinging our arms back and forth as we walk through the airport.

"Orlando for Disney World," I answer, "It's always been one of my favorite places. My parents took me when I was really little, back before Violet was born."

"Sounds like fun. My dad hasn't taken me to Disney World, even though I've been to Disneyland plenty of times," Cassidy chirps, smiling widely at me.

"I like it better than Disneyland. Anyways, the flight is going to start boarding soon. I'm gonna run to the bathroom, okay?" I inform her, my bookbag still on my back. We had ditched the duffle bags back at home.

"Alrighty Bear. See you in a little bit," Cassidy replies, kissing me. I smile and kiss her back before walking off to the bathrooms.


"Orlando, well, we will be," I hear Cassidy say. I frown and move a little closer.

"Just to go to Disney World, dad," Cass laughs, "Calm down."

"I guess he's being okay. He dragged us out drinking every night we were in Vegas, Blue," she continues talking. I stop dead in my tracks once I realize what's going on.

A phone. She brought her phone and is telling my parents everything we're doing and where we're going. Betrayal burns in my stomach, making me want to throw up.

Silently, I turn back around and go over to the desk to buy a plane ticket for somewhere else.


Five hours later, I'm standing in New York City. I pull my map out of my pocket and study my carefully drawn route before I start walking, putting the paper back in my jacket.

Eventually, I come to my destination: a little park with a bridge overlooking a fairly deep pond. I glance around and notice the lack of people. Good. I'm numb as I walk to the center of the bridge.

Trigger Warning

There's still no one around. I guess this is meant to be then. I climb over the railing and stare down at the murky water below. My stomach churns. I've always hated heights. It's almost over now though.

I close my eyes as I take a deep breath. I finish inhaling and let go of the railing. Next thing I know, I'm hitting the water and everything goes black.


Cassidy's POV

Barry walks away to go use the bathroom, leaving me sitting all alone. Almost immediately, I feel my phone start buzzing in my pocket. I glance around for my boyfriend, then answer.

"Hey dad," I greet, stretching my legs out across Barry's seat.

"Hi baby. Are you guys in Vegas again today?" He asks immediately.

"Orlando, well, we will be,"  I answer, grinning at the thought.

"Oh God. What does Barry have planned?"

"Just to go to Disney World, dad," I giggle, "Calm down."

"Give me the phone!" Blue yells in the background. There's a little struggling, then Blue starts talking.

"Is Barry behaving, Cassidy?" Blue asks softly. My smile fades as I listen to her. She sounds so upset and broken. I wish Barry would just see how much his parents love him.

"I guess he's being okay. He dragged us out drinking every night we were in Vegas, Blue," I confess, shrugging my shoulders, "He got wasted pretty much every night."

"Oh god," she whispers to herself. I hear her draw in a deep breath. I glance down at my watch and frown. He's been gone almost fifteen minutes. I say goodbye and hang up the phone, concerned. Something is wrong.

"Are you Cassidy?" A teenage girl asks, looking confused. I nod. "This guy, uh, Barty or something, asked me to give this to you," she states, clearly bored.

"Where is he?" I demand, panicking.

"I don't know. He said to wait ten minutes, then give this to you," she snaps, walking away. I unfold the paper and read the note, my eyes barely skimming each word. Once I finish, my stomach drops.

Barry saw me on the phone and left me. He's gone and no one knows where he went. Blue and Calum flash in my mind. I let them down. I sob loudly, then cover my mouth. I grab my phone back out of my pocket and dial Blue's number as I walk to go buy a ticket home.

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