Chapter 13

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Violet's POV

"Violet! Violet! Why did Barry try to kill himself?"

"Is he at the same place your mom went to?"

"Did Cassidy breakup with him?"

"Did she cheat on him?" I push through the horde of paparazzi and into the car. I slam the door shut and hold my middle finger up at the idiots desperately trying to see into the car.

"Just because they can't see you doesn't mean I can't," my body guard, Maxine, tells me, trying to hide the smile on her lips.

"They deserve it, Max," I defend, putting the plastic shopping bag on the seat beside me, "You should've heard the disgusting things they were staying about Barry and Cassidy. They're lucky I didn't punch them like Barry did."

"How is your brother doing, by the way?" She inquires, changing the subject as we drive away from the store.

I twirl my thumbs and stare out the window, "I think he's doing better. He's only been in rehab for a couple weeks though. The doctors said that we probably wouldn't see any immediate changes in his behavior or something like that. Mum and dad went to see him again today."

"Have any of the others gone to visit him?"

I bite my lip, "Ashton, Michael, and Brielle visited him once. Luke went twice. He doesn't want to see Cass, Jasper, Piper, or Carter. Or me for that matter."

"You?" Maxine demands, sounding shocked.

I snort, "Yeah, that was my reaction too. Barry and I have always been close, so I thought he'd want me around. Turns out I was wrong."

"I wouldn't take it personally, honey," Maxine advises, "He probably is against people visiting him because he doesn't want you guys to see him at a low like this. He's probably embarrassed. Not to mention, I'd bet everything that Cassidy, Piper, Jasper, and Carter would all try to take the blame for what happened to him, and Barry doesn't want to put anyone through that." She turns down the driveway of my boyfriend's house. I stay quiet as the car comes to a stop. "What time do you want me to pick you up?"

"I'm spending the night," I reply, grabbing my bag, "Mum and dad aren't going to be home until late, and I don't want to be alone."


"I'm a big girl, Maxine," I remind her, climbing out of the car, "Besides, it's Tyler. I've been dating him for a year. I'll be fine here."

"Call if you decide you don't wanna stay after all," she instructs.

"I promise." She gives me a small smile as close the door and walk to the back gate. I pause and watch as the car drives away and out of sight. That's when I push the gate open and go into the backyard.

"Hey babe!" Tyler calls, waving to me from across the pool. He has a beer bottle in his hand. I swallow nervously and grip my bag a little tighter as I put on a smile and make my way through the large group of mostly boys.

"Hi Ty," I say nervously eyeing all of the clearly wasted and high people around us. "Who are all these people? I thought we were gonna hang out tonight."

"We are babe," he promises, pulling me onto his lap, his hands gripping my butt. My stomach drops. "These are just some of my friends and their friends. We're just relaxing. We can hang out alone later." He sloppily kisses my lips. I push him away quickly.

My eyes go wide at his words, "That's not what I mea-"

"Damn Tyler," one guy beside my boyfriend states, looking me up and down, "You didn't tell me your girl had a killer body. I'd kill for one like her."

"You can have her for a little while. She's no fun right now anyways. Her fucked up brother just tried to kill himself a couple weeks ago," Tyler tells the newcomer. He shoves me off of him. My jaw drops in shock at what he just said. Before I can respond, the new boy snatches my bag from me and tosses it to the side. He throws me over his shoulder, rushing inside the house. (Trigger Warning) I scream, punching his back and kicking, desperate to get away from him. I can't.


"That was good babe," the boy says, zipping up his pants, "I hope you had fun too." He leaves the room, slamming the door behind him. I jump, still lying naked on the bed. My body is shaking. I lean over the side and throw up, unable to help myself. Tears run down my face uncontrollably. I want to curl up and die. Someone yells loudly outside the door, making me shake harder. Moving as fast as I can, I get dressed again. The clothes seem to burn my skin. I find my phone across the room. There's a huge crack down the screen. I dial Maxine's number, trying to calm myself down as I do.


"You're home late, Vi," mum comments almost as soon as I walk in through the door. She's not upset, but worried.

"I'm sorry," I choke out, still shaking, "Piper and I got distracted, and I wasn't paying attention to the time."

"Honey, are you okay? I'm not mad. You know that, right?" She asks, taking a step closer to me. She reaches out to put her hand on my shoulder. I move backwards quickly, not wanting anyone to touch me.

"I'm fine," I lie, "I'm just gonna go take a shower." I hurry up to my room, before I can start crying again.

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