Chapter 15

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Blue's POV

"Do you think Violet's acting weird, Cal?" I ask as I grab my tooth brush. I glance into our bedroom, where Calum is laying on his side of the bed, a frown on his face.

"Yeah, I do. She's been acting like this for the past two weeks. Do you think it has something to do with Barry?" He replies, staring at the ceiling.

"No," I say, "Barry's been in rehab for a month now. She wouldn't start acting weird halfway through. Two weeks ago is right around the time when she got home late from Luke's house." I bend down and reach underneath the sink for a new hand towel. That's when I see it.

"Do you think something happened at Luke's ho-"

"Calum," I cut him off, "I always keep three pregnancy tests down here. There's only two now."

"I'm gonna call Luke." I nod and triple check to make sure I didn't miss the third one.

"What'd he say?" I demand as soon as my husband walks back into the room.

"Violet hasn't been over to their house in over three weeks. He said today was the first time any of them saw her in weeks," Calum tells me, his eyes sad. "Blue, what are we going to do?"

"We have to ask her tomorrow," I answer softly, sitting down beside him on the bed. I rest my head on his shoulder. Calum grabs my hand tightly, leaning his head against mine.


Violet's POV

"Can we talk to you, Vi?" Mum asks, leaning against the back of the couch. I can hear the nerves in her voice. "Please?" I nod slowly and make my way over to the couch. I sit down, leaving a space between me and dad. Mum sits down on his other side.

"Luke says that you haven't been over to his house in over three weeks, which means that that night you came in late, you weren't with Piper like you said," dad starts, not sounding angry at all. I start to feel sick again.

"And," mum jumps in, "I always keep three pregnancy tests under the sink. There's only two there now." Tears start to slip down my cheeks. I take deep breaths, trying to calm myself down. "We aren't mad, Violet. I swear. We just want to know the truth. Are you-" I nod, not wanting to hear the word leave her mouth.

"Have you told Tyler yet?" Dad inquires softly. I begin to cry harder. I grab onto dad, hugging his body tightly as I breath in the comforting smell of his cologne. He rubs my back, which actually makes me feel slightly better.

"It's not Tyler's," I cough out, my face buried in his hoodie. I grip the back of it tightly, squeezing the material in my fists. "I went to his house to hang out, and I was gonna spend the night, but not do anything. When I got there, there were people drinking and smoking, and Maxine had already left, so I went over to him, then he was telling some other guy that he could have me for a while, and that guy grabbed me and took me inside, and I tried to get away but I couldn't. I couldn't," I cough, choking on mucus as I sob and talk. Mum and dad are both holding onto me tightly. I don't care. I want them to hold me tighter.

"Violet-" mum cuts herself off.

"It hurt so bad," I choke out, soaking dad's hoodie with my tears, "I wanted to die. I'm sorry. I'm sorry mumma. I'm sorry daddy." He holds me tighter.

"You don't have anything to be sorry for at all, baby," dad tells me, his voice shaking. I glance up and see that he's crying. So is my mum. "This isnt your fault. None of this is your fault at all. Understand?" I nod, swallowing hard. They squeeze me tighter.

"You need to go to the doctor's baby," mum says after a few minutes of mostly silence. I nod, too tired to argue.

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