Chapter 21

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Jasper's POV

"Has anyone seen Cassidy?" Michael frowns, walking into our house.

"She went to go visit Barry," Piper calls, not looking away from the screen. She loves gossip shows more than she loves her brother. "Now hush." Luke sends him a sympathetic smile. I turn my attention back to the screen.

"And our last, and best, story of the day is also 5SOS related," Keri blabs on in an overly peppy voice.

"Huh," Luke mutters, watching the television screen, "I wonder what else they have on us." Dad laughs. Piper hushes them.

"-children of the band members are in relationships. However, Barry Hood and Cassidy Clifford are the only two 5SOS kids to date or, at least they were." She pauses for dramatic effect.

No. She can't possibly know. No one can. We've been so careful. My stomach plummets. I feel my body go completely numb.

"Drummer Ashton Irwin's son, Jasper, and frontman Luke Hemmings' son, Carter, were caught sharing a kiss at dinner th-" Keri's voice gets shut out.

I can feel everyone's eyes on Carter and I, but all I can see is the paparazzi picture of Carter and I kissing that they have plastered on the screen for the whole world to see. No one says anything. I start to feel like I'm going to puke. I jump up from my spot and run upstairs. I skid into my bathroom and slam the door shut, gasping for breath as tears roll down my face. I lock the door, then sink down to the floor, hiding my face in my arms as I cry. I feel like someone just punched me in the stomach.

"Jasper?" Dad calls from the other side of the door, "Jasper please." I hiccup loudly, trying to stop my crying. Why do they get to out me? Some stupid-ass gossip show gets to out me to everyone but one person.

"Jasp, please," Dad begs, "Please don't cry or be upset."

"Why shouldn't I?" I demand, rage coursing through my body as I hyperventilate, "Why shouldn't I be upset? I was just fucking outed to the whole fucking world on some gossip show, because the goddamn paparazzi put us in the fucking spotlight."

"I'm sorry, Jasper," dad says quietly, sighing sadly, "I'm sorry that this happened. It shouldn't have. You guys shouldn't have to deal with this." I stay quiet, chewing on my bottom lip. He sounds so broken up.

"Can I try Ashton?" Carter's voice cuts through the silence. My heart rate picks up.

"Yeah," dad replies, his voice emotionless, "I'm sorry that that stupid show-"

"It's not your fault," Carter cuts off. I hear him slide down the door, sitting on the floor where dad had just been. He slides his finger tips under the door, making them brush against mine. Warmth floods through me.

"How are you doing, Jasp?" My boyfriend inquires, rubbing his finger tips on my hand.

"Terrible," I snap. I instantly regret my tone. This is just as much of his problem as it is mine. I shouldn't be angry at him. I unlock the door and open it. Carter quickly comes into the bathroom. I close and lock the door again. He pulls my body against his chest, holding onto me tightly. I relax against him, just wanting to be held and comforted.

"At least we don't have to worry about telling them anymore," Carter jokes, running his fingers through my short hair.

I snort, "Fair point. How do you feel?"

"I'm scared," Carter admits, surprising me, "I'm scared of what people will think. I'm scared of how we're gonna be treated. I'm scared shitless of losing you because of this."

"What?" I choke out, "You're not gonna lose me Carter. I'm in love with you." We both blink, shocked by my words.

"You are?" I smile and nod as I kiss him softly.

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