Chapter 18

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Blue's POV

"Calum said that he doesn't know if he's gonna be able to do the tour," Luke tells me as soon as I get into his car. "Do you know why? All he said was that you guys had family issues. Is Barry not getting better?"

"He is doing better. I think. I don't know anymore. He's pretty upset since I told him that Violet's pregnant," I state, resting my head against the window, as we drive away from the all too familiar rehab center.

"What?" Luke blurts out, staring at me in shock.

"Watch the road!" I yell at him, smacking his shoulder.

"I am!" He lies, turning how gaze back to traffic, "Has she told Tyler yet?"

"It's not Tyler's. He had a party and got wasted and told some random guy there that he could have Violet for a while and-" I cut myself off, disgusted by the thought of what my baby went through.

"Jesus," Luke mumbles, running one hand through his long hair. "Blue, I'm so sorry I asked. It's none of my business an-"

"She was gonna make her decision based on negative press," I blurt out, unable to help myself.


"She doesn't know if she wants to keep it or not and wants to base her decision off of whichever thing will give the band less bad press."

Luke sighs in defeat, "Fuck."

"We've fucked them all up so badly with this whole press thing," I choke out. "All of the kids are scared to do anything and are under so much pressure. Why did we do this? They've all suffered so much, because they were born into fame. They've lived with the spotlight on them their entire lives. They never asked for this life."

"I know," my brother mumbles, "I don't know what to do though. We can't go back and change everything. I think the only thing we could do is cancel the tour, but everyone would have to agree to that."

"The kids would hate us so much for doing that. They'd think that it has something to do with them. Barry made Calum promise him that he'd still do the tour and not just quit because of him being in rehab," I reply, twirling my blue hair around my pointer finger.

"Just when you think parenting is getting easier," he trails off. I nod in agreement, my mind racing.

Violet's POV

"Are you and mum gonna hate me if I get an abortion?" I ask dad, leaning back against him.

"Of course not, Vi. Why would you even think that?" He demands, definitely upset.

"Because I'd be letting you guys down. I mean, mum could handle teen pregnancy, so I should be able to. I don't want to seem like I'm just trying to take the easy way out," I try to explain, messing with the strings on my hoodie.

"Your mum's situation was a nothing like yours though. Plus, she was almost two years older than you are right now," he points out. "Violet, it's really your choice. We're gonna support you either way, I swear." I nod, not feeling reassured at all.

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