Chapter 2

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Barry's POV

"Barry Hood!" Dad screams from downstairs.

"Ooh!" Violet smirks, looking up from her phone, "You're in trouble!"

"Shut up," I reply, pushing on her shoulder lightly. My sister laughs and watches me as I leave to go downstairs. Mum and dad are standing in the living room. Mum has something behind her back. Both of them look pissed. Dad points to the couch. I sit down and wait.

"What the hell is this!" Mum demands, shoving a magazine cover in my face. The main picture is me punching that pap in the nose. I don't even bother with reading the title.

"He deserved it!" I exclaim, trying to defend myself. "The jackass c-"

"Watch your mouth, Barry," mum snaps, "I don't care if he deserved it or not. You can't just punch people in the face!"

"But he-"

"Listen to me, Barry," dad instructs, looking a little sympathetic, "I know that he was probably all up in your space, but you can't just punch him. It sucks because a lot of those paps really deserve it. But your actions have consequences. Not only for you, but for all of us. Right now is not the time to be acting out."

My jaw drops, "Acting out?"

"Don't act so surprised mister. Barry you need to accept responsibility for your actions. 5SOS is trying to get their tour finalized. We don't need any bad press," mum tells me, scowling.

"Until you learn to behave like an almost eighteen year old, give us your phone," dad commands, sticking his hand out. I bite down on my lip, grab my phone out of my back pocket, and place it in his hand. He pockets it.

"And no more hanging out with Jasper, Piper, Carter, or Cassidy until your birthday," mum adds on.

"That's two weeks away!" I shout, jumping up.

"It'll give you two weeks to think about the consequences of your actions," she retaliates, not backing down.

"God I wish you two would just listen for a change!" I scream. I run upstairs to my bedroom and slam the door closed. I lock it, then scream in frustration. I collapse on my bed and shove my head under my pillows. I hear someone climb through my window and know it's Cassidy. I don't move.


"I wish they never had me," I blurt out immediately, meaning every word.

"Don't say that Barry Hood," my girlfriend scolds, "if you weren't born then who knows what our lives would be like?"

"They'd be normal! No one would know that something was even different," I point out, talking into my bed.


"Cassidy I need to get away," I say, the idea jumping into my head.


"I bet if I'm gone they'll realize that-"

"So you'll punish your parents into seeing your point of view?" She accuses. I sit up so I can argue my case properly.

"Kind of like they're punishing me now for doing the right thing?" I ask, my voice cracking. Cassidy stares at me for a minute as if she's analyzing something.

"What's the real reason you're thinking of this? I know you Barry and I know you don't get spontaneous ideas like that. You've been thinking of this for a while," she notes.

I sigh in defeat and lay back down, "Yeah you caught me. I have been. It's just, I'm so tired of being in the spotlight because of who my parents are. I'm so done with having to watch what I have to say and do because every little thing can be twisted around in the media. I just don't want to be Barry Hood anymore. I want to be normal." Not too bad of a lie, if I do say so myself.

"So running away and getting your face plastered everywhere will make you normal?" She questions, raising her eyebrows.

"Cassidy we haven't been able to be teenagers because we always have to deal with what our parents think about what the media thinks. My mum and dad listen to the media more than me. I'm getting away from it. You're welcome to join me if you want to," I offer, climbing off of my bed. I grab a large bookbag and start shoving clothes in it. I fill a duffle bag as well.

"Fine. I'll go with you," she finally says, "we can sneak out tonight. I'm going to go spend some time with my dad before we leave. I'll see you tonight, Barry. I love you."

"Bye Cass. I love you too." I kiss her cheek then watch her climb out of my window.

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