Chapter 4

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Blue's POV

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Blue's POV

"Cassidy? Where are you?" Michael demands, taking the phone from Piper.

"Is Barry with you?" I ask, grabbing it from Michael.

"Sort of-"

"What the hell do you mean by that?" Jasper inquires, frustrated.

"He's in the bathroom right now. Look guys, I'm not supposed to have my phone on me. I promised Barry I'd  leave it at home. He doesn't know I'm calling yo-"

"Why did you two run away?" Violet shouts over my shoulder. She sighs.

"He's feeling a little claustrophobic. Barry just needs to get away for a few days and act wild to get it all out of his system. I went with him so that I could make sure he's fine. I'm sorry," Cassidy apologizes.

"Bring him back home Cassidy," Calum commands.

"I can't. Look, he really just needs to be away from everything. Just know that we're fine. I'll call you guys every night. I'm sure we'll be home in a few days," she replies.

"Cassidy, I don't like this," Michael speaks up, rubbing his temples, "I don't think that you sh-"

"He's coming. I have to go. Bye!" She exclaims. The call ends.

"So what now?" Violet questions, her voice cracking.

Barry's POV

"Hey Cass," I greet as I walk back over to my girlfriend. "Ready to go?"

"Yeah. What exactly are we doing in Vegas?" She questions as we walk outside of the airport. I hail a taxi and we climb in after tossing our bags in the trunk. I give him the address to the hotel.

"We are going to party a little," I reply, staring out the window as the world flies by.

"How? We aren't even eighteen yet, Bear. How are we going to party?" I just send her a small smirk.


"This is how we are going to party," I finally answer, tossing her the little piece of plastic. She catches it and looks closely.

"A fake I.D.? That's your genius plan?" Cassidy questions, raising her eyebrows at me.

I nod, "I'm going to take a quick shower and then I'll be ready to leave. I don't know if you need a shower or anything." She shakes her head no. I shrug and grab my change of clothes before heading into the bathroom. 

*Trigger warning*

I turn the shower and and strip down. I make sure that the door is locked, then grab my blade from where it's hidden in my pile of clothes. I draw three thin lines on each upper thigh. I sigh, closing my eyes as the relief washes through me. After a moment I wash off the blade then climb into the shower. The cuts sting as the hot water hits against them. My blood runs down my legs, to the floor and washes down the drain. I peel my eyes away from my thighs, which are cover in thin white lines, and start to shampoo my hair.

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