Chapter 20

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Cassidy's POV

"Name and patient please?" The receptionist asks, smiling at me.

"Violet Hood. I'm here for Barry Hood," I lie, starting to sweat. She types a few things into her computer, then hands me a sticker with Violet and Barry's names on it.

"Take the elevator to the third floor, take a left, and go all the way down to the end of the hall. He's in room 317."

"Thank you," I mumble quickly, my heart racing as I make my way over to the elevator. I try to gather my thoughts as I get closer to Barry. It doesn't work.

By the time I get to his room, I still have no idea what the hell I'm going to say. Oh well. I take a deep breath and knock on the door.

"Come in," my ex calls. Well, I guess he's my ex. I don't think we ever formally broke up or anything. I turn the knob and push the door open. "Cassidy?" He demands, shocked. I quickly enter the room and close the door again. "How did you even get in here? Does that say Violet? Didn't they I.D. check you?"

"They do that here?" I ask, confused.

"Yeah. So random people can't just get in. Like paps. It was Quinn working the front desk, wasn't it? Really tiny, long black hair, bright red lipstick?" I nod. Barry sighs, "She's sweet, but not the brightest. What are you doing here, Cassidy?"

"I wanna talk to you, Barry. About the airport," I say, sitting on the very edge of his bed.

"What about it?" He continues, his voice harder.

"I brought my phone and called them because I know how much us all disappearing to find Violet affected them. If we didn't tell them what was going on, they would've thought we were kidnapped and sent police after us. I wasn't trying to ruin your plans, Bear. I was trying to keep them from ruining them. I know you just needed to blow off some steam and go a little crazy. And I'm sorry for not being there for you when you really needed me. Now look where we are," I say bitterly, trying to not cry.

"I'm not mad at you, Cass. I should've talked to you. And I shouldn't have just left you in the airport all alone. I'm sorry for dragging you into my plans of going crazy," he apologizes, looking embarrassed. I smile and climb up closer to him, sitting down right beside him.

"Don't be sorry. It was a lot of fun. Maybe we can actually take that trip to Disney World once you get out of here. Just with a lot less drinking and parental permission," I laugh, fixing his bed head. Barry leans over and kisses me, making me melt against him. I move over so I'm sitting on his lap. Barry pulls me closer to him, his hands resting on my butt as we make out.

"God I can't wait for you toget out of here," I sigh softly, laying on top of his body.

Barry smiles widely as he brushes a piece of hair behind my ear, "The feeling is mutual, Cass."

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