Chapter 9

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Blue's POV

We walk into the room and see Barry laying on his side with his back turned towards us. My heart aches for my baby.

"Barry," Dr. Hough calls out to my son. He doesn't respond. "You have some visitors, Barry." I see the muscles in his back tense up. "I'll leave you all with him. Just come out and get the nurse if you need anything." The doctor turns and leaves. Calum, Luke, and I stand there for another few seconds, unsure of how to even go about this.

"Hey Barry," Luke finally says, walking over to my son. I watch as Luke puts a hand Barry's shoulder. He jerks away and lays down with his face buried in the pillow.


"Will you guys just leave me alone?" My older child snaps, finally looking at me. I recoil, shocked at the outburst. Calum and Luke have similar expressions on their faces. "Just go back to California."

"We aren't about to leave you here Barry," Calum speaks up. He and I go over and stand beside the bed.

"Why not?" He speaks into his pillow. His hair is a mess, and I can see how much weight he's lost since I last saw him. His broken arm is in a light blue cast. My heart aches even more.

"Because you're our son, and we love you so much," Calum replies, his voice cracking. He sits down on the edge of the bed. Barry feels the bed dip and scoots further away.

"Don't give me that bull shit," Barry says, lifting his head up, "You can lie to everyone else, but not me. I know that you two care more about your fucking reputations and 5SOS than me. I know that the only reason I'm here right now is because an abortion might have looked bad for the band all those years ago."

"Barry!" Luke yells. He's the only one able to form a coherent thought at the moment.

"What? Didn't you know? I'm a mistake. Mum didn't mean to get knocked up at seventeen and anyone who says differently is a liar. You two didn't want me then, and you don't want me now. But admitting that is bad for press," he continues. I start to cry.

"Barry," I say softly. I start to reach out to hug him, then stop myself. "That's not true at all. Yes, you weren't planned, but that doesn't mean we didn't want you; that we don't want you. You're our baby boy. I wish you would've told us how you felt before."

He snort in amusement, "One, I don't believe you. Two, I couldn't talk to you two about anything. Hell, I tried to tell you I was defending Cassidy when I punched that guy. But did you listen? No. You guys don't listen. No one listens, and no one cares."

"That's not true!" Luke cuts in, "Even if you didn't want to talk to the adults you still had Cassidy, Piper, Jasper, Violet, and Carter to listen."

"Jasper and Carter have enough going on right now, Piper is always busy, Violet is constantly out with friends, and Cassidy doesn't listen. I practically told her I hate being alive and nothing. Like I said, no one gives a shit!" Barry screams. Two nurses come running into the room and rush through us. One of them grabs onto Barry's arm and begins speaking to him softly. The other turns to Luke, Calum, and I.

"You three need to get out," She instructs.

"We're his family. You can't just kick us out," Calum argues, distraught. Her eyes narrow.

"Look, you three are either going to leave and go sit in the waiting room with the option of possibly seeing him again tonight, or you'll be permanently ejected from the hospital. Right now you all are raising Barry's blood pressure and stressing him out, which is the last thing he needs," she snaps, glaring at us. Luke looks at us helplessly, then we go out to the waiting room and sit down, feeling miserable.

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