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Chapter Fourteen: Zombified

I was slightly dazed, my heart ready to beat right out of my chest. " what exactly do you mean missing?" i asked in a very strained attempt at remaining calm.

"Well her mom came by house about an hour ago, said she hadn't heard from her for a few days...Cords, I haven't talked to her since school...and then I blew her of at the diner yesterday...what if something bad happened to her?"

I could see her beginning to panic and went over to comfort her. "Maxine, im sure Sherrie's fine...if i know her she's probably been over at Bryan's and probably just forgot to take her charger with worries."

"No worries?" she sounded confused. "cordelia shouldn't that be more cause for heard that witch lady and what she said about all that fatal attraction mess."

i knew she was right, and i would be lying if i hadn't thought of it immediately after saying hi sname...but i knew there was no use in both of us freaking out  "do you know where Bryan lives?" i asked, deciding not to try and lie about not being worried.

she shook her head before snapping her fingers, "oh...he stayes by the park, but i don't know where exactly...i just remember Tina from 5th period mentioning that she'd always pass him practicing in his driveway on her way to the park.

"Perfect, let me get dressed and i'll meet you downstairs."

She made a face, "i kinda asked your mom if you could stay the night with me." i made a face of protest, "sorry, im sur you want to be with mister Dream boy but i didn't know how long this would take, and i didn't want to worry your mom, she'd probably try and call my mom and then the whole neighborhood will know we've basically turned Bryan into some psycho voodoo."

I sighed, "fine...and im sure thats not the case at all." I followed her out to her car and took note of the time, it was ten past midnight. I let out a heavy sigh... I was worried about Sherrie, I hoped she was was also a relief filled sigh as I had gotten to see Riley, albeit breifly...but I saw him none the less. We drove for a good several minutes before we reached the park.

"We can start on Gardner street and go up and down the blocks until we find a basketball hoop." I offered.

"And what? just go up to the door." She asked a little irritated "let me just point out that it's after midnight and we've never even met these people before."

I sighed, I knew she was right but what other choice did we have, "Look either the situation is serious and we need to just go through with what we've got, which is little to nothing...or we see this as not that serious and try again in the morning."

She continued to drive on. It took us longer than I had expected but we finally came up to a house with a basketball hoop in the driveway.

"The lights are off." I said, my heart beating wildly. "What are we gonna say, it's not like we can tell them the truth?"

"Leave it to me." Maxine said, already getting out of the car.

We made our way up to drive way, I could tell Maxine was just as nervous as I was but what other choice did we have, if we told anyone no one would believe us.

We rang the door bell and there was no response, again...same thing. Maxine looked at me and out of character for me I began hanging on the door with both fists, I was freaking out a little more now and Maxine continued to ring the bell. Soon lights began to turn on and and angry man answered the door.

"What the hell!?...who are you, what do you want?"

"We need to speak with your son." I said more calmly than I thought myself capable at a time like this.

"Do you girls have any idea what time it is, plus Bryan is asleep, he has a big game tomorrow."

"Just go get him or we're calling the cops on him!" Max yelled.

The man looked taken a back, he didn't quite know how to respond. "I suggest you girls take off for the night, you can see bryan tomorrow at school."

"Your son has taken our friend hostage and I swear to god if he doesn't let her leave with us I won't hesitate to call the cops and I'll make sure he never plays another game of basketball except in prison."

"Young lady my son has been home all weekend...I think I'd know if he had a girl over."

Maxine pulled out her phone, "then I'm sure you won't mind going up to verify that he's alone or I'm sure the police won't mind checking for you."

The man hesitated "Wait right here."

I looked at my phone it was going on One A.M. now, and standing here in the dead of night all that could be heard was the crickets and the sudden sound of yelling and screaming.

My blood ran cold as our one of our suspensions seemed to be confirmed, Sherrie was definitely here. Wether it was of her own free will was to still be determined.

A couple of minute later the man, Bryan, and a worried looking Sherrie can to the door.

"It seems there's been a bit of a misunderstanding, seems your friend was under the impression that she was for some reason supposed to stay the weekend, I'm sure you girls can understand the excitement of being in a new relationship." He said with a forced smile. "Now why don't all of you girl go on home for the night."

"But-" Bryan sounded.

"You can all see each other tomorrow at school."

There was an odd mix of relief and hesitation as she took a step away from him. Bryan seemed to also take a step forward but his father put a firm hold on his shoulder and pulled him back to his side.

I reached out and grabbed Sherrie's hand all the while keeping my eyes on Bryan Incase he decided to lash out. He was pissed that I was taking her away from him but as soon as I took hold of her hand she held on tight and I rushed us back to Maxine's car.

Once inside Maxine took off and Sherrie broke down.

"Do you want me to pull over so you can let it all out?" Max asked gently.

She shook her head no, "I just want to go home."

It was understandable and we did just that.

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