Ohio tour

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*bell rings*

Chance: Only 154 more days!

Tessa: You are actually counting down the days? *laughs*

Chance: Yes I am, smarty pants.

Tessa: *smiles*

Jake: I see chessa moments!

Chance: *blushes*

Tessa: *blushes*

Alissa: So how was you twos day?

Tessa: Great actually. I met awesome friends, and Ohio is unique.

Alissa: Erika?

Erika: It was awesome. I met Chanthony, not the best experience.

Chanthony: HEY!

Erika: *laughs* I met Tessa and Alissa. My new best friends.

Trio: HEY!

Erika: I'm just playing. And I met Jake. The sweetest boy in the school.

Jake: Thanks Costell.

Chance: Well Toner!

Tony: Oh no...

Tessa: *laughs*

Chance: Want to practice at the field?

Tony: Sure! Jake, you coming?

Jake: Nah bro. I want to give Erika the full Ohio tour.

Chance: Suit yourself. Tess? Want to come?

Tessa: Sure, why not?

Chance: Alissa?

Alissa: I wish, but my parents hate you guys so they will be wondering where I am.

Tony: That is true.

Erika: Bye guys!

Chanthony: Bye!

Talissa: Bye!

Jake: Ready to go Costell?

Erika: Yeah. So where are we going?

Jake: The best ice cream place in town. Than to a secret location.

Erika: Sounds fun. Thanks Jake.

Jake: No problem.

*Gets to the ice cream place*

Jake: I'll have a mint chocolate chip please.

Worker: Sure. And for you?

Erika: Mint chocolate chip...

Jake: No way! We both have the same favorite ice creams!

Erika: I guess so!

Worker: 2 mint chocolate chips. That will be $5:35

Jake: Here.

Erika: I could've payed, Jake.

Jake: It's $5. And it's my treat.

Erika: Whatever you say Jakey.

Jake: Next stop! The secret location.

Erika: Ok.

*30 minutes later*

Jake: Ok! We are here!

Erika: Jake, you drove so far out of your way. Maybe we should just go back.

Jake: Nope! This is the best part about Ohio. Close your eyes.

Erika: Okayyyy. *closes eyes*

Jake: No peaking. *grabs hands* Just hold on.

Erika: I hope I can trust you.

Jake: No need. We are here.

Erika: That was fast.

Jake: Yep! Open.

Erika: Woah....this is beautiful Jake.

this is beautiful Jake

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Jake: Like you.

Erika: Thanks.

Jake: When I first saw you, you reminded me of this place. Lively, active, energetic.

Erika: This is awesome. Thank you Jake.

Jake: Of course. My brother and I would swim here as kids all the time.

Erika: You have a brother?

Jake: Oh yeah! Logan. I rarely see him anymore. He is living it big in Hollywood. I see him on TV a lot. I wanted to go with him, but my mom told me to finish High School.

Erika: Wait...your brother is Logan Paul?

Jake: That's him. I miss him so badly. But only another year than I can see him.

Erika: Doesn't he ever come home?

Jake: I wish he would. He is just to busy in LA. I would love to see him in LA, but I need to save my money.

Erika: I get it. Who knows? Maybe you'll see him soon.

Jake: Erika...can you keep a secret?

Erika: Sure. What is it?

Jake: When I was 6, Logan promised me no matter what we did when we got older, it would not come between us and our friendship. But it has. I just want my brother back. Just for at least a day. *starts to cry*

Erika: Awww. Come here Jake. *hugs him* You'll be ok.

Jake: Thanks Rik.

Erika's POV
And just like that, the idea came to my head. It was time to search the web, and find Logan Paul's email....

I love writing this book! It's so much fun! Thanks for the support on both of my books! Love ya guys! Remember....




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