Game changer

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*At lunch*

Erika: And this is the cafeteria!

Jake: In her opinion, the best place here.

Chance: Isn't it everyone's?

Tessa: We get to eat food!

Everyone: *laughs*

Kade: This is a really nice school.

Nathan: Too bad we only have another 4 months here.

Erika: Holy crap. We only have 4 more months till we graduate?!

Jake: Woah. That's weird to think.

Alissa: It seems like we all met just yesterday.

Tony: I remember the day perfectly too.

Chance: The trio getting yelled at by the principal.

Tessa: Nothing Changes.

Jake: To us meeting Erika in the hall.

Tony: Then us meeting Tessa in Mr.T's class.

Alissa: Then we met you 2.

Nathan: Time Flies.

Jake: It seems like the 3 Of us were in my backyard playing football was like yesterday.

Alissa: And me being the best cheerleader for you guys.

Tony: You were pretty good weren't you?

Kade: So...what's everyone's plans for after high school.

Jake: L.A. baby. I'm pretty sure we are all going to start a YouTube group. With help from Logan Of course.

Nathan: That sounds sick. Can we come?

Jake: Of course! I'm going to need some editors.

Chance: This is going to be awesome!

Tony: Our dreams are finally coming true!

Alissa: This is actually going to be lit!

Tessa: I get to be in my favorite place with my favorite people!

Erika: ...

Jake: Rik? *nudges* Aren't you excited?

Erika: Uh...yeah. Totally.

Jake: Are you feeling ok?

Erika: No I'm not actually. Funny I was just going to say that. Well better go to the nurse. Bye. *walks away*

Chance: That was weird.

Tessa: Rik's never like that.

Jake: I'm going to go talk to her.

Tony: Good luck bro.

Jake: *walks away*

*In the hallway*

Jake: Erika? Rik? You out here?

Erika: *sniffles* What Jake?

Jake: Why are you sitting on the ground out here?

Erika: Cause I want to. Ok?

Jake: *sits down* Listen. You know you can talk to me. Right?

Erika: *nods* I know.

Jake: Then tell me.

Erika: *shakes head* I can't. *starts to cry* It will hurt you too much.

Jake: It won't. I swear. Just please tell me.

Erika: I..I can't go to L.A. with you. I want to but my dad wants me to stay here. Away from you guys. He wants me to go to college and to just be an ordinary person. But i want to be more than that. I want to be with you guys more than anything but-

Jake: *kisses Erika* I want to be with you too. More than anything.

Erika: But I can't.

Jake: Listen...I'll convince your dad. And maybe he will change his mind.

Erika: I've tried Jake! He won't listen.

Jake: Jake Paul has never tried.

Erika: No need to talk in 3rd person. *smiles*

Jake: It makes it sound cooler.

Erika: *giggles*'re already cool enough for me.

*bell rings*

Jake: That bell is not cool though. I guess we should get going. *grabs hand* Lets go!

Erika: What about me not going to L.A.?

Jake:I'll talk to your dad after school. I'll convince him.

Erika: Whatever You say Paul. Whatever you say....

Hello everybody! Sorry for the short chapter. It's a school night and I've been trying to do homework (but this is more important😂) Thanks for 14k reads! I forget if I said that already but oh well. Remember...




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