This can't be happening

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Logan: So here is what you should do..Ask Erika to homecoming!

Jake: I don't know Logan.

Logan: Paul's never give up. Not ever. Your Jake Jospeh Paul. You can do this!

Jake: You know what...your right!

Logan: Of course I am.


Jake: Logan...What was that?

Logan: I don't know.

Girl: Let go off me!

Jake: Rik...*climbs out of tree house*

Logan: Jake! Wait up!

Jake: Erika! Erika where are you?!

Erika: Jake! *car door slams shut*

Jake: Erika! *car drives off*

Jake: LET HER GO! LET HER GO! trips* Erikaaaa!

Erika: Ja-Jake! *crying*

Jake: Rik...

Logan: I called 911. They are going to try and look for her.

Alissa: *running* Jake!

Chanthony: Jake!

Tessa: Omg Jake.

Chance: Omg. Your wrist.

Jake: *looks down* I'll be fine. *stands up*

Tessa: Your not fine Jake. It's snapped in half.

Jake: I'll be fine.

Alissa: Jake. We are taking you to the doctors.

Jake: No! I'll just wrap it with tape. Now if you will excuse me, I'm going to find Erika.

Logan: *grabs Jake's good wrist* Your not doing this alone.

Jake: Who's going to help me then?

Logan: *puts hand in* Anything for my little bro.

Chance: *puts hand in* I will. For my brother from another mother.

Tony: Same bro. *puts hand in* I'm in.

Alissa: *puts hand in* For Erika and you.

Tessa: *puts hand in* Anything for Jake and Erika.

Logan: Jake. You have 5 people to help you. For Erika?

Jake: *puts hand in* For Erika.

Logan: And break!

What up peeps? Sorry for not updating for a little bit. I've been super busy with school. But thanks for all the support on this book. It means so much to me. Remember...




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