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*At lunch*

Chance: How about those celebrity projects?

Tessa: I'm sorta excited. It's not necessarily school related.

Jake: That is true.

Erika: *jumps on Jake's back* Jake!

Jake: Hey Costell!

Erika: You know how it's your birthday next week right?

Jake: Yes??

Erika: Someone is working on you getting the best gift ever.

Jake: I wonder who that could be?

Erika: Shut your yaps Paul.

Jake: *smiles*

Tony: *whispers* I ship it.

*bell rings*

Jake: Yes we have free period!

Chance: Bro! We should go practice!

Tony: Yeah we need work.

Jake: Ok, ok. Girls?

Girls: Nope.

Jake: That's what I thought. See you soon guys.

Erika: Bye Ohio.

Alissa: What should us girls do?

Tessa: I don't know.

Erika: As much as I want to hang out with you guys. I need to work on my project.

Alissa: Oh come on! Your celebrity isn't that hard.

Erika: He actually is. It's sort of hard to find his number.

Tessa: His number? But we don't even need that.

Alissa: Wait....you wanted to do someone specific. You changed it didn't you?

Erika: Yep!

Tessa: To who?

Erika: I'm not saying. It will ruin the surprise.

Alissa: What surp- NO WAY!!

Tessa: What? What's wrong?

Alissa: Erika is doing Logan.

Tessa: Logan? Who is Logan?

Alissa: Jake's brother. He hasn't seen him for at least a year. And Jake misses him like so much.

Erika: Ding ding ding!

Alissa: Your trying to get Logan back here for his birthday. Aren't you?

Erika: Yep!

Tessa: Awww! That's so sweet!

Alissa: It is! But why are you doing it?

Erika: Because Jake's been there for me since day one. And he means a lot to me, so I want to help him.

Alissa and Tessa: *smiles*

Erika: What?

Alissa: Oh nothing. I think someone just might have a crush on a certain someone.

Erika: No, no. I don't like Jake. Not like that...*sighs*

Tessa: Omg...you like Jake!

Jake's POV
I ran back into the school to grab a football. I heard the girls talking I was about to walk around the corner when I heard Tessa say "You like Jake!" I instantly stopped. I started listening.

Erika: Fine. You caught me. I may have a small crush on Jake, but he doesn't feel the same way.

Alissa: I'm sure he does! You just have to ask him.

Erika: I might, but I really should start my project.

Tessa: Ok! Have fun!

(Still Jake's POV)
She likes me. She actually likes me. MY CRUSH LIKES ME! I don't know if I should ask her out yet. Maybe I can do it on my birthday. During dinner. That seems like a good idea. I ran back to the field faster than ever before.

Chance: Bro? Where is the ball?

Tony: And why are you so excited?

Jake: No reason. *smiles*

Chance: Ok....

Jake: Come on boys! Next class is starting soon.

Tony: Bro what's up with him?

Chance: I'll say one thing. A girl.

Omg I'm sorry I haven't updated in like a million years. I was sick and yesterday when I posted the chessa chapter I thought I posted this one too. Guess not. So sorry once again. Remember...




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