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Hey everyone! Sorry for not updating but I've been dealing with something and it's honestly taken up most of my time. Also I've been binge watching the office. Probably not the best idea but whatever😂  I've also been packing because tomorrow I'm leaving for vacation for 2 weeks. But i will still be updating cause I just need to. Also I know this is late but happy 2 month anniversary to Jake and Erika! Tomorrow I'm traveling all day but hopefully i will be able to update on Thursday. And I'm sorry again for not updating but I've been busy. And another thing. I know for a fact I will not be able to update for a week. I KNOW! IM SOOO SORRY! I have camp and it's an overnight camp and i can't have electronics because their is literally no electricity. But anyway thanks for understanding and I'm sorry once again. Also if you read all of this props to you!😂

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