Please no.

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Sorry for another time jump, but otherwise it would be boring

*1 day later*

*In the bus*

Jake: We've been looking for days. Where could she be?

Logan: Based on movies where people kidnap the girl, most likely a warehouse.

Jake: Why didn't you tell us before?

Logan: I didn't think of it.

Chance: That's because you two are the Paul's.

Jake and Logan: Hey!

Tessa: That's for horses.

Alissa: WAIT! Guys, what's that? *points out window*

Jake: I've seen that before. *opens door*

Tony: Jake wait! Guys let's go.

Everyone runs out.

Jake: ....Rik's phone.

Logan: It's shattered.

Tessa: No wonder the app wasn't working.

Alissa: You know what this means?

Jake: She's nearby.

Chance: There's a warehouse up the road a bit. We could try looking there.

Logan: Good idea. Let's round up.

(Everyone gets in the bus)

*at the warehouse*

Erika: *shivers*

Kade: Here. *hands jacket* you need it more than I do.

Erika: Thanks. How much longer till the systems down.

Nathan: *on laptop* Should be soon. Maybe a view more hours.

Erika: Thank god.

Kade: You can see Jake again.

Erika: I know. But I'm just glad to get out.

Nathan: might want a look at this.

Kade: What? *looks at computer* Holy.

Erika: What? What is it?

Nathan: *stands up* Nothing.

Erika: Tell me. Now.

Kade: Jake's here.

Erika: Omg really?!

Nathan: Yeah. But shhh.

Erika: But why?

Blake: ERIKA!!

Kade: Sorry Rik. *knocks out Rik*

Blake: AH. She's knocked out. Good work boys.

Nathan: *looks at door* *whispers* I'm going to tell them to wait.

Kade: Ok.


Jake: Sounds like someone's in there.

Nathan: *opens door* Hi.

Logan: *pushes against wall* Were you the one who took Rik?!

Nathan: No! It's not like that. I'm Nathan.

Jake: Let him go. Who are you and where's Rik.

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