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*In class*

Chance: You ok Erika?

Erika: Yeah. I'm fine.

Jake: *looks at Erika*

Erika: I might not be going to L.A. with you guys.

Tessa: What?!

Alissa: You said you would!

Tony: Why did you lie to us?!

Nathan: You're staying here!?

Kade: You're leaving us!?

Erika: *sighs* Guys...

Tessa: No. You lied to us.

Erika: It's not my fault.

Chance: Uh-Huh. Than whose fault is it?

Erika: *looks at everyone* Mine I guess. I'm leaving. Bye.

Jake: No. Rik. You are staying here.

Erika: No! I'm leaving. See you later, I guess. *leaves*

Jake: You Guys are messed up!

Alissa: She lies straight to our faces!

Tony: And you expect us to be ok with it?!

Jake: *slams hand in desk* Yeah i do expect you to be ok with it! She wants to go to L.A. with us! But it's her dad whose making her stay here! You guys might've just made Erika not even want to go anymore!

Chance: We messed up.

Kade: Where is she now?

*At the same time but outside*

Logan: Yo Rik!

Erika: What Logan?

Logan: Ok. What did Jake do?

Erika: *laughs* Wasn't Jake this time.

Logan: Oh. Don't tell him I said that.

Erika: Your secret safe with me.

Logan: What's wrong?

Erika: Everyone's mad because I might not be going to L.A.

Logan: What? Why?

Erika: My idiotic Dad. That's what.

Logan: Want to just crash at our place tonight? To get your mind off things.

Erika: Sure. Thanks Logan. *kisses cheek* (In a friendship way. Just saying. Like whenever adults see each other they do that. Never mind I'll stop talking)

Logan: Anything for you. *hugs*

Jake: *opens door outside*

Chance: Yo Jake is-

Jake: ...

Chance: Bro let her ex-

Jake: *slams door*

Chance: Jake! Wait!

Jake: *turns around with tears in his eyes* She Just kissed my brother!

Chance: ...

Jake: *runs away*

Tessa: Chance!

Chance: *sighs* Hey Tess.

Tessa: What's wrong?

Chance: Jake.

Tessa: What about him? I thought Erika was upset?

Chance: Jake and I saw Erika kiss Logan outside.

Tessa: On the cheek right?

Chance: Yeah. Jake's really upset.

Tessa: If it was on the cheek it's not as bad.

Chance: But still. It's his own brother and his girlfriend.

Tessa: True. What were they like?

Chance: Erika just kissed him on the cheek.

Tessa: Like this? *kisses Chance's cheek*

Chance: *smiles* Yeah.

Tessa: *smiles* I wish I could demonstrate the other way.

Chance: I can. *kisses Tessa*

Tessa: *kisses back*

Alissa: *opens door*

Tony: Are they out-

Alissa: Shh!

Tony: What?

Alissa: *covers mouth* Chessa is officially real. *points*

Tony: *whispers* My boy got himself a girl!

Kade: I could be an uncle!

Nathan: They are only 18 though.

Alissa: Uncle Kade!

Nathan: Maybe we should go find Jake and Erika.

Tony: Good idea.

Alissa: Yo Chessa!

Chance: Really Alissa?

Tony: We gave you an extra minute. You should be grateful.

Tessa: *laughs* Okay, okay.

Kade: We have to find Jerika.

Chance: Erika is outside.

Tony: Doing What?

Chance: She's with Logan.

Alissa: Okay. Then where is Jake?

Tessa: He ran away.

Chance: He saw Erika kiss Logan on the cheek.

Everyone: ...

Alissa: Okay Guys. First thing first. We find Jake. He probably just needs time with his friends.

Tony: Sleepover at his house?

Chance: We haven't done that in forever!

Alissa: Ok! We find Jake and we just try and make him feel better.

Tessa: We can do that.

Nathan: Where would he go?

Kade: He has to be on campus somewhere.

Chance: Guys...I might have know where he is...

Hey everyone! I'm sorry I didn't post this last night but I fell asleep writing it. I hope you enjoyed the chapter! Also this book has 15k reads! Thank you so much! I can't believe it! The next chapter should be up in the next 1-3 days. Remember....




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