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*1 hour later*

Jake: *opens eyes*

Erika: He's awake!

Chance: Thank god your ok.

Tessa: I was so worried.

Alissa: Me too!

Tony: You took a big hit bro.

Jake: What happened?

Erika: Well. We don't know who, but someone punched you. Hard.

Chance: And this girl right here was super worried. *points at Erika*

Erika: *blushes*

Tessa: *playful punch*

Chance: ow.

Jake: *smiles* Well im fine. And thanks for caring about me guys.

Erika: Of course we care.

Jake: I have one question.

Alissa: And?

Jake: How did I get in the nurses office?

Erika: We actually don't know. Maybe someone found you and took you here?

Jake: Maybe.

Chance: Oh and did you here that someone bet Brian up? Must have been fun.

Tessa: *playful punch*

Chance: Oww!

Nurse: Well Jake. You seem fine. A little banged up, but otherwise you can carry on with your day.

Jake: Thanks.

*bell rings*

Tessa: Guess that means it's time for our next class.

Erika: I'll meet you guys there. I have to grab a book from my locker.

Alissa: Ok. See ya later.

Jake: *looks back* Be careful.

Erika: I will.

Jake: *runs to next class*

Erika's POV
When Chance said someone bet Brian up, I had the instinct that it was Logan. No one in this school would stand up to Brian like that. I walk to my locker only to find a note in it. "You forgot your phone, so I drove here to give it to you. See you later tonight!" -Logan. I almost missed the last part. "P.S. You might want to check up on Brian😉"

Erika: *smiles*

Jake: What are you smiling at?

Erika: Oh. You came back.

Jake: Yeah. I was a little worried that someone would try to hurt you. As you saw someone did that to me.

Erika: Well thanks for caring about me so much, but I'm fine.

Jake: Better safe than sorry.

Erika: Thanks Jake. *kisses cheek* Now let's go. We better get to class.

Jake: *smiles* Beat you there Costell.

Erika: Your on. *smiles*

*1 minute later*

Erika: Haha! I beat you!

Jake: I let you win.

Erika: Sure. Let's go with that.

Jake: *smiles*

Mr.T: Ok class. Everyone is going to need their projects done by next week. Understood.

Class: Yes.

Jake: *whispers* I'm going to fail.

Erika: *whispers* Don't say that.

Mr.T: Costell. Paul. Shhh.

Jerika: Yes sir.

*Fast forward to end of the day*

Tony: School is finally over! Which means....

Alissa: Jake's birthday party!

Jake: Alright. Alright.

Tessa: Chance?

Chance: Yeah?

Tessa: Take him to his favorite spots. We will be setting up at his house.

Chance: Ok.

Erika: We'll see you guys there.

Jake: Ok. Bye guys.

Girls: Bye.

Chance: So. You and Erika huh?

Jake: What?

Tony: Come on Jake. It's obvious you like her. And she likes you.

Jake: No it's not. I only like her as a friend.

Chance: Jake. You care about her. And she cares about you. That's what love is.

Jake: It is?

Tony: Yes.

Jake: What your saying is...that I love Erika?

Chanthony: Yep.

Jake: Huh. I guess I really do like Erika.

Tony: No dip, Sherlock.

Jake: *smiles*

Chance: Are you going to ask her out?

Jake: I'm not sure yet. I was planning to tonight, but now I don't know.

Tony: Do it tonight!

Jake: Like I said. I might.

Chance: Ok. Ok. Now let's go get some ice cream.

Jake: Sounds like a plan.

I'm sorry that this is sorta going slow. I just want it to be a big part when Logan and Jake reunite. Don't worry, it will happen soon. But for now remember...




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