Finding Logan

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*The next day*
Jake: Yo Costell!

Erika: Hey Jake. What's up?

Jake: Thanks for comforting me yesterday. I really needed it.

Erika: It's what friends do.

Jake: Yeah...friends.

Erika: Want to walk to class? I'm pretty sure Alissa and Tony are already there.

Jake: Sounds good, but where is Chance and Tessa.

Erika: Found them.

Jake: *looks over and sees them talking* I ship it.

Erika: Me too.

Jake: Yo Chessa! Let's go.

Chance: *smiles* Let's go Tess.

Tessa: Okay. *smiles*

*In classroom*

Alissa: Where were you guys? I had to deal with him by myself.

Tony: You do realize I'm right here.

Alissa: Yeah, yeah.

Mr.T: Take your seats class. Today we are doing something different. I would like everyone to do research on an assigned celebrity, and write a letter to them.

Jake: Sounds dope.

Mr.T: Tessa you will have Theo James.

Tessa: Yes! He's my celebrity crush.

Mr.T: Chance you will have Meredith Mickelson.

Chance: Dope.

Mr.T: Alissa you will have Justin Timberlake.

Alissa: Cool.

Mr.T: Anthony you will have Tom Brady.

Anthony: Yes!

Mr.T: Jake you will have Peyton List.

Jake: My brother did a movie with her! This should be easy.

Mr.T: And Erika, you will be doing Selena Gomez. Class dismissed.

*Everyone leaves*

Erika: Mr.T, can I please do a specific person.

Mr.T: I'm afraid not. Who would you want to do?

Erika: Logan Paul.

Mr.T: Jake's brother?

Erika: Yes. He is a legend at this school, which makes him famous here.

Mr.T: I don't know.

Erika: Please.

Mr.T: Alright. I'll allow it.

Erika: Thank you!

Mr.T: Just make sure you have enough details about him.

Erika: I will. Thanks again.

Jake: What was that about?

Erika: My celebrity project.

Jake: Ok. Let's go to our next class.

Erika: Sounds great.

Hi! I finally updated! Sorry I don't update often! School is starting to get in the way. Remember...




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