Words of Wisdom

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I'm going to do a little bit of a time jump because it will just get boring.

*2 days later*

Erika's POV
Blake has raped me twice everyday. I'm starving and Nathan and Kade are trying to get the systems down. This is torture, but hopefully it will pay off.

Jake's POV
We were in Michigan, but Erika's find your friends app is off. We don't know what happened. Maybe her phone died? We've been searching day and night to find her. But that's not going to last that much longer.

Chance: Jake...can we please get some rest?

Jake: You guys want to find Rik right?

Alissa: Of course we do, but this is just unhealthy.

Logan: I agree with her Jake.

Tony: Please. At least 1 hour.

Jake: Fine. Stay on the bus. I'm going to be outside.

Logan: Ok. Be careful.

*5 minutes later*

Jake's POV
Everyone fell asleep quick. I'm still super worried about Rik. What if she's hurt? What if she's- might as well not think about it. I sat down on a big rock outside. Staring out into the distance.

Tessa: Jake?

Jake: *looks back* Hey Tess. Couldn't sleep?

Tessa: No. To worried.

Jake: Same here.

Tessa: *sighs* Jake, what if she's-

Jake: She's not! That's the way we have to think. Don't act ridiculous Tessa.

Tessa: ...

Jake: Sorry, I kinda snapped at you. Im just worried.

Tessa: I get it. You love her. Love makes you do crazy things.

Jake: Yeah. Considering I made Logan drive 8 hours to Michigan.

Tessa: *giggles* That's a good example.

Jake: I guess I really do love her.

Tessa: Of course you do. Logan didn't tell you, but he's been vlogging you and Erika since he's got here.

Jake: What? Why?

Tessa: The fans love you two. They make edits of you two and there really good! Look! *shows phone*

Jake: *rubs hand through hair* Wow.

Tessa: Jake, we will find her. I promise.

Jake: I know we will, but, Erika is what makes me happy. You guys make me happy, but it's something about her that makes it more than happy.

Tessa: I'm going back to the bus. Better get some sleep before we start looking again.

Jake: I'll be there in a sec.

Tessa: *smiles* Bye Jake.

Jake: *whispers* Wherever you are Erika, we will find you.

Hi everyone! Before anyone asks that is not my video of Jerika. It's someone else's so I'm not taking credit. Also happy New Years Eve (if you live in America) And Remember...




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