Friends divided

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*With the boys*

Tony: Hey Jake?

Jake: Yeah?

Tony: Is Erika staying with you for all this week?

Jake: Yeah. Why?

Chance: I think you know why.

Jake: *rolls eyes* Dude. Come on.

Tony: We are just saying. You have 2 weeks bro.

Jake: Still. Erika isn't just some sex toy. (Sorry kinda had to use that word) She's better than that.

Tony: We know. We were just trying to help.

Jake: Obviously you guys don't know how to treat girls. You can freaking see hickey's on Chance's neck.

Chance: Bro really!? It was one time!

Jake: It will probably turn into an every night thing for all we know!

Tony: Guys calm down!

Chance: No I will not calm down!

Jake: You are probably treating Tessa like some slut you picked up at the club. (Once again sorry!)

Chance: You have no idea what you are talking about! I love that girl more than anything and you are calling her a slut! Some friend you are! *walks out and slams door*

Tony: Jake! Bro!

Jake: Get away from me! *grabs crutches and walks upstairs*

Tony: Jake come on! We are best friends.

Jake: Not anymore! *slams bedroom door*

Tony: *sighs and runs outside* Chance!

Chance: *rolls down car window* What?

Tony: You know he didn't mean it.

Chance: I'm pretty sure he did mean it.

Tony: Listen, Jake loves this girl. He is just looking out for her.

Chance: And I love my girl too and Jake calling her a slut is something I don't want to hear.

Tony: He didn't mean it and you know that.

Chance: Whatever. I'm going home. When Jake is ready to apologize I'll apologize too.

Tony: We only have 2 more weeks with him though.

Chance: So?

Tony: Chance...he's our best friend.

Chance: Will you quit saying that? My best friend is the person who is nice and doesn't call his own friend a slut. That's not Jake.

Tony: Chance, bro-

Chance: I'm going home. See you later I guess. *drives away*

Tony: Bye...

*Girls pull in (after their girls day)

Erika: *opens car door* Hey Tony! Boys day over?

Tony: You could say that.

Tessa: Where's Chance and Jake?

Tony: Chance just left and Jake is up in his room.

Erika: Did you guys have fun?

Tony: For the most part yeah. Until the last 30 minutes.

Tessa: Why? What happened?

Tony: I shouldn't be telling you.

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