Life's full of curveballs

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Please read the A/N at the end of this chapter because it is super important!Now onto the story

Erika: *walks out of room* Oh Jake! You're here!

Jake: Yeah. Might as well hang out with Chance and Anthony before I leave.

Erika: Uh yeah. Might as well.

Jake: I have one day left here. I should probably hang out with my best friends for a bit. Don't you think?

Erika: Uh yeah. I guess.

Chance: Dude, lay off a bit.

Jake: Why should I?

Tessa: Hey, is everything okay?

Jake: I don't know. Ask her.

Erika: Jake, what's wrong? Did I do something?

Jake: Ask Tessa and Alissa they would know. *grabs crutches and walks out the door*

Erika: *starts crying* What did I even do?

Chance: *says to Tessa* Is she okay?

Tessa: What is up with Jake?

Tony: We are not sure. He came in and kinda had an attitude after you guys started squealing.

Alissa and Tessa: *look at each other*

Chance: What?

Erika: Don't tell them.

Tony: Tell us what?!

Alissa:'s Erika's choice if she wants to tell you.

Chance: Can you tell us?

Erika: *sighs* Not before I tell Jake.

Tony: What does this have to do with Jake?

Tessa: Guys! Please no more questions. She's stressed out enough.

Chance: Okay. We'll stop.

Erika: Thank you.

Alissa: You need to tell him though. Like, soon.

Erika: *sighs* I know.

Tony: I think he could be outside. Logan dropped him off.

Erika: Thanks Tony! *runs outside*

Chance: Please tell us!

Tessa: *laughs* No. She has to tell you.


Erika's POV
I ran outside to go find Jake. He was sitting on the curb outside Chance's house. Thank god he couldn't go too far.

Erika: Jake?

Jake: *looks back* What?

Erika: *sits down next to him* What are you doing?

Jake: Whenever something is on my mind or bothering me, I come out to the street and try to name every brand of a car I see.

Erika: That's cool.

Jake: Once again, your lying to me.

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