Jerika reunion

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*2 hours later*

Chance: It's literally 2 a.m. How much longer?

Tessa: Chance, stop acting like a kid.

Chance: What? I'm tired.

Tessa: We all are.

Chance: *looks at Tessa*

Tessa: Fine. Sleep over here. *pats chair*

Chance: Thanks Tess.

Alissa: Okay, now your acting like a baby.

Chance: Shut it Alissa!

Tony: *laughs*

Erika: *sighs*

Logan: Erika, he's going to be fine.

Erika: You don't know that.

Logan: I do actually. He's my brother. Ive known him all my life. He's going to be fine.

Erika: *sighs*

Tessa: *looks at Chance* Erika needs Jake.

Chance: *looks at Tessa* I know. She's just...lost without him I guess.

Tessa: Woah. You know exactly what to say.

Chance: I know. I've gone through this before.

Tessa: You have?

Chance: Yeah...but I don't have to worry about it. I've got a perfect girl now.

Tessa: And I've got the perfect guy.

Chance: *kisses Tessa*

Tessa: *kisses back*

Alissa and Tony: Get a room!

Chessa: *laughs*

Doctor: You guys here for Jake Paul?

Logan: *stands up* Yea.

Doctor: He's not awake yet, but you can go see him.

Erika: Ok. Thanks doctor.

Doctor: Follow me.

*Everyone walks to his room*

Doctor: *opens door*

Logan: *looks at Jake* Oh my god.

(Try to picture this. Jake has stitches on the side of his forehead and his left leg is broken and in a cast. His right arm is broken and is in a cast. He has a bandage around his head. His lip is cut open and he has bandages around his stomach)

Tony: This is terrible.

Chance: *looks at Jake* What exactly happened?

Doctor: His stomach is cut up and obviously his left leg and right arm is broken. He got a deep cut on his forehead and glass cut his lip. He also has a pretty bad concussion.

Tessa: Will he be okay?

Doctor: He will be in pain, for sure. Otherwise, he should be okay.

Alissa: Thanks.

Doctor: *closes door*

Logan: *looks at Jake* I don't even know how he survived this.

Chance: Me neither.

Erika: *looks at Jake*

Tessa: Let's give them space.

Logan: Take all the time you need Rik.

Erika: *nods*

Logan: *closes door*

Erika: *sits down* *grabs Jake's hand* I'm so sorry. I'm sorry this happened to you. It should've been me. *pushes Jake's hair back* *looks down and cries* I love you Jake.

Jake: *opens eyes* Hey Costell.

Erika: *looks up* Jake?

Jake: I love you too Rik.

Erika: Oh my god Jake! *hugs* I've missed you, so much.

Jake: I've missed you more. *hugs*

Erika: Are you still mad at me?

Jake: ....No.

Erika: Are you still upset?

Jake: ....No.

Erika: You were mad and upset before.

Jake: I was awake for a little bit after surgery till I fell asleep. A little girl came in here. I was half asleep at the time, but she said you were crying outside. I felt terrible and that's when I knew it was wrong to snap at you. I fell asleep right after so I didn't know what her name was, but she was sweet.

Erika: Her name is Ally.

Jake: How do you know?

Erika: We saw her a few hours ago. She loves you and Logan and wanted to meet you and him.

Jake: Why was she in the hospital?

Erika: She has cancer.

Jake: Can I meet her?

Erika: She's sleeping but once she wakes up, of course.

Jake: You seem tired. *pats bed*

Erika: You're hurt though.

Jake: Your worth it.

Erika: *lies down next to Jake* Thanks. *lays head in his chest*

Jake: *wraps arm around her* Hey Rik.

Erika: Yeah?

Jake: Thank you.

Erika: For what?

Jake: For caring about me.

Erika: I love you Jake Joesph Paul. Of course i care.

Jake: I love you too. Erika Costell.

Erika: *kisses Jake's cheek*

Jake: You missed. *kisses Erika*

Erika: *kisses back*


Logan: What do you see, Chance?

Chance: I can't tell.

Alissa: Okay move. Let the pros do it. *looks through window*

Tessa: Can you see?

Alissa: I think their kissing.

Logan: Let me see. *looks through window* Oh yeah! My bro getting it!

Jerika: *inside* Shut up Logan!

Logan: Oops. They heard me.

Everyone: *laughs*


Jake: We got some Jerika shippers outside.

Erika: Jerika is ruling America after all.

Jake: *laughs* I love you Rik.

Erika: I love you too, Paul.

Hi everyone! Sorry for not updating yesterday! I forgot and it was Easter and I was kind of busy. (I may or may not have been playing Fortnite for and hour) SORRY! Thanks for all the support and remember...




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