Secrets revealed

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*1 hour later*

Tony: How much longer?

Logan: Umm. 7 hours.

Tony: Ugh.

Chance: Guys. This is for Erika. She would do the same for us.

Tessa: He is right.

Jake: *sniffles*

Alissa: He's sleeping.

Logan: He must have cried himself to sleep.

Tessa: I feel horrible for him.

Chance: Me too. But we will find Rik soon.

Tony: Hey? What does this button do? *presses button*

*tv pops up*

Alissa: Well that's dope.

Logan: Roman did think of everything.

Tessa: Look the news is on.

Newscaster: This just in, A local high school in Westlake, Ohio just went on lockdown after one of the students disappeared. Her name is unknown, but not long after 5 other students tend to disappear too. One of them being known as Jake Paul, an internet sensation, as well as his older brother Logan. That's all we have for now. Back to the station.

Chance: *turns off tv* Well...Pam must know now.

*phone ringing*

Logan: Oh no. It's my mom.

Alissa: You have to answer it.

Logan: *nods* Hello?


Tessa: And there it is.


Logan: Mom...Jake and I are fine...well physically.

Pam: What do you mean physically?

Logan: Erika got taken. Jake ran after the car but he fell and broke his arm. We used the fine your friends app and they are taking her to Michigan. Jake's heart broken.

Pam: Michigan?! You mean to tell me that all 6 of you kids are driving 500 miles away from home without telling your parents?!

Chance: Yeah pretty much.

Tessa: *playful punch*

Logan: Mom. We are sorry. Jake just loves this girl so much. He wanted to leave as soon as possible.

Pam: Love can make you do crazy things. Is Jake there?

Logan: He cried himself to sleep. He really cares for her.

Pam: I've never seen Jake like this. Just promise me that you will take care of him.

Logan: I promise. So your not mad?

Pam: Oh I'm furious. But thanks for telling me the truth.

Logan: Thanks mom.

Pam: By the way your vlog camera is gone for a week.

Logan: Wh-

Pam: Bye! *hangs up*

Logan: Well played.

Tessa: *laughs* Hey at least she's not too mad. Our parents haven't even called us yet.

*phone ringing*

Chance: Whose phone is it?

Alissa: The ringtone is rapping so...Jake's!

Chance: *grabs phone* Oh no.

Tessa: What? *grabs phone* Omg.

Tony: Who is it?

Tessa: Erika's parents.

Logan: We can't possibly pick up.

Chance: We have too!

Alissa: Oh yeah. Hi Mr. And Mrs. Costell. Your daughter just go kidnapped, and 6 high school kids are going to save her 500 miles away from Ohio. Good plan Chance.

Jake: Let me talk to them.

Tessa: Jake...your awake. How did you sleep?

Jake: Just please give me the phone.

Tessa: *sighs* *hands phone*

Jake: Hello?

Angel: Jake! Thank goodness your ok. We heard that someone got taken. Is everyone ok?

Jake: Um. Mrs. Costell, I'm so sorry. I tried to catch up, bu-but I couldn't. *starts to tear up* Erika's gone. I tried to help her. *cries*

Angel: Oh my god. Jake, sweetie, it's not your fault. I promise we are going to get her. Just please don't blame this on yourself.

Jake: *sniffles* Ok. But what will happen when your husband finds out. I'm done for.

Angel: We will figure it out.

Jake: I'm really sorry. I couldn't get her. I just want her to be safe.

Angel: This is what I love about you Jake. You never stop caring for someone. You never give up. You're always putting others first. And for you trying to protect Erika, shows that you are a good person, friend, and companion to her. I couldn't thank you enough.

Jake: But I still lost her.

Angel: It's ok. Just find her and bring her home.

Jake: I will. Bye Mrs.Costell.

Angel: Bye Jake. *hangs up*

Logan: Is Jake Paul starting to become grown up?

Jake: *grins* Very funny.

Chance: Ok. 6 1/2 more hours till Michigan! FULL SPEED AHEAD!

Logan: You got it!

Hi everyone! My winter break started today so I can right a lot more than normal. Thanks for the support on this book. Remember...




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