Happy Birthday

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*In the morning*

Erika: Logan?

Logan: ...

Sydney: He must be sleeping.

Erika: Oh well. I'll tell him later.

Sydney: Can I please meet him later?

Erika: Maybe. We will see.

Angel: Erika! Sydney! Breakfast time!

Erika: Coming!

Angel: So today is Jake's birthday.

Erika: Yep! Alissa, Tessa, and I are setting something up for him. I have to go.

Angel: Ok sweetie. And is Logan upstairs?

Erika: Yeah. He is still sleeping.

Logan: *walking downstairs* Not anymore.

Erika: Hi Logan! *hugs*

Logan: Hey Erika!

Sydney: OMG!

Erika: Sorry. She is a fan.

Logan: It's fine. What's popping?

Sydney: Omg can I please have a picture?

Logan: Of course. Anything for the Logang.

Angel: *smiles*

Sydney: Thank you!! *hugs*

Angel: Erika. Take Sydney to school.

Erika: Ok. Bye mom! Bye Logan!

Logan: Bye.

Angel: So Logan? Want anything?

Logan: Thanks for the generosity, but I think I'm just going to eat at Panera.

Angel: Don't be silly. Your our guest.

Logan: Thank you Mrs. Costell.

Angel: Please. Call me Angel.

Logan: Ok. Angel.

*At school*

Tessa: Erika. Can you tape this?

Erika: Sure!

Alissa: Just a view more.

Tessa: And...done!

Erika: It looks good!

Alissa: Really good!

Alissa: I really liked how we incorporated Logan

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Alissa: I really liked how we incorporated Logan.

Tessa: Me too.

Erika: They look so happy.

Alissa: That was when Jake was filming his first ever tv show.

Erika: Logan came to support him?

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