Chapter 1

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"Did you forget something?" I call out to Logan at the sound of his footsteps returning to me after only being gone for a minute or two.

"Yes." The familiar voice fills the air as I gasp unable to move.

Am I dreaming?

Slowly I turn my head and gaze up at his gapping blue eyes as they bore down onto me rendering me helpless at the sight.

He is here. He has returned.

I stand hugging my arms in a state of astonishment. Can this really be happening? Is he really in front of me? Or do my eyes deceive me?

The cold chill cuts through me and I pull the leather jacket closer as the moon shines down on us, illuminating his features and bringing him to life before me.

If this is a dream I don't want to wake up.

"I believe that belongs to me." His voice is exactly as I remember it. So smooth and foreboding. With one sentence I want to be in his arms again and have him take me right now, under the stars and for the world to see. I want everyone to see that I am his once more.

But what does he mean? What belongs to him? His jacket?

"You weren't using it." I stifle a smile and try to gauge Alex's emotions but he is giving nothing away. He has been gone for so long that my own emotions have taken over and I can't even tell what it is he is thinking. I haven't felt him through our bond for so long that I am out of practice.

"I want it back."

His stern words are almost confusing. He came all this way just to get his precious leather jacket back?

Sounds about right. I have been waiting for him all this time and all he cares about is his stupid jacket.

I sigh under my breath and begin to take off his leather jacket when he raises his hand for me to stop and stares blankly toward me.

"I meant you." With those three words he steps closer into me and pulls me tightly to his chest before plunging his mouth to mine.

He parts my lips with his and thrusts his tongue inward as I stand almost in complete shock at his movement. He spares no time and moves his hands all over my body, grabbing at my back and thigh before lifting me up so that I can wrap my legs around him. He holds me up like this so I can throw my arms around his neck and continue our deep and passionate kiss as though my life depended on it.

This must be what heaven feels like; wanting something for so long that when you get it, you get completely lost in the moment.

He begins attempting to take off the leather jacket and tries to unbutton my shirt but I pull away, just wanting to have a chance to look at him this close. It has been so long that I want to make sure that what I remembered about him was true. I inspect every inch of his face and note every speck of colour in his eyes that I can with such dull light as he stares back at me in wonder.

Slowly he sets me down and gently strokes my cheek, clearly getting lost in me as well.

Looking at him brings so many memories flooding back to mind as I pick and choose which ones to remember from our time together, but for some reason I keep coming back to the worst one I have. The night he left me here.

Swiftly, before he can realise what I am doing, I bring my hand up and with all my might, I slap him directly in the face.

My hand stings straight away and I try to hide the amount of pain that I am now in because of it and instead focus on what his next reaction will be.

Zone Zero: Redemption (Book 2 of 3)Where stories live. Discover now